Eleven: You'll Learn Your Lesson

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"WHERE ARE YOU GOTHEL?!" Hadley yelled, sprinting forward. She could feel her whole body rising in heat, little ashes floating around her head. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU KEEP GOING ON ABOUT IT!"

"Gotta find me first!" Grey called as he kept running. He pushed past people as he headed to the docks.

"For fuck sake." Hadley grumbled and kept running. She followed him as best she could and ended up knocking Gil over, which she quickly ignored and finally reached the docks. Grey watched from one of the roofs and smirked as he saw Hadley confused. She kept looking around until she finally looked up at the roof where Grey was.

"You're such a dickhead!" she shouted, grabbing onto the ladders at the edge of the building and she started to climb them.

"Shit." he mutteed and began running across the roofs.

"You can't run away from me, Gothel!" she called, and got to the top of the roof and ran after him. After a while he got to the more deserted part of the Isle, slid off the roofs and changed directions towards the loft. He almost made it before he was tackled to the ground.

"And you didn't think I'd catch you." Hadley said, pinning Grey to the ground.

"Why do you think I ran?" he said, pushing his shoulders up to get her off him and scrambled to his feet. However, she grabbed his shoulder and threw him to the ground again.

"Nuh uh, not that easy." she placed her foot on his chest.

"Oh come on!" he exclaimed from the ground.

"Don't push me even more." she gritted her teeth. "I can hurt you."

"You already have." he groaned. "There's a rock digging in my back!"

"Awh what a shame." she tilted her head and smirked.

"What are you going to do?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I haven't decided yet." she shrugged.

"I didn't even say it outloud in the streets!" Grey protested.

"You still could have. And you were teasing me about it!" Hadley pressed down on his chest harder. "And jumping through the window? You were just asking for this!" He grabbed her ankle and lifted it slightly, gasping for air.

"I will sit on you." she threatened, lifting her foot up slightly but quickly pressing it back down.

"You do that, and we don't know who could walk by." he pointed out. Hadley bit her tongue and sighed, lifting her foot off reluctantly. But, not before kicking him in the nose.

"FUCK!" he screamed in pain and clutched his nose. "HADLEY WHAT THE FUCK!?"

"Well maybe you'll learn your lesson and won't tease me about Hooky again." she shrugged, looking at her nails.

"Hadley you just broke my fucking nose!" he ignored her comment. "I didn't say anything in public!"

"Have you ever known me to care about anything?" she tilted her head and looked at him.

"Yes." he groaned, blood dripping down his face from his nose. He held it as he walked to his house. Hadley watched him go and just stood there.

"I don't care about anything... especially not Hook..." she grumbled, but then paused. "Do I?" she shook her head and jumped down from the roof. 'But he didn't even mention Hook... why did I...' she thought, but she shook her head, pushing the thought away and walked on by.

' she thought, but she shook her head, pushing the thought away and walked on by

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