Eighteen: Toss Me Overboard

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"That's Uma's plan?" Hadley raised her eyebrows. She and Harry were stood against a wall in the alleyway by Mal's abode. "Kidnap the king, use him against Mal and force her to bring us Fairy Godmother's wand?" Hadley scoffed. "Like that's gonna work."

"It's what she said." Harry shrugged. "If we don't go back with Ben she'll throw us t'the sharks."

"No she fucking won't." Hadley rolled her eyes. "You really think I'm gonna let her boss us around? That I feel threatened by a shrimp? No. That I'm going to break and be a stupid little slave for someone? No I'm not!"

"Flame, what's this really about?" Harry questioned, looking down into Hadley's eyes.

"Nothing. Doesn't matter." she shook her head. "Let's just get him. We need to concentrate or we'll miss our chance." she mumbled.

"Flame," Harry sighed, touching her shoulder. "It matters to--"

"I said just leave it!" Hadley snapped. "God don't you ever know when to just shut up?!"

"Fine. But I'll get it outta you." Harry muttered, and then smirked, his normal self shadowing through. "Have I ever told you how hot you look when you're mad?" he circled along her jaw with his hook. Hadley sharply grabbed his hook and held it so tight her knuckles began to turn white.

"Listen, coat hanger." she seethed. "I'm not in the mood for you to flirt with me. So unless you want me to rip this hook away from you, and then proceed to slit your throat with it and shove it up your ass and watch you bleed to death then I suggest you shu--"

"Hadley." Harry whispered. Hadley looked up at him with a scowl but noticed he was looking at something. She followed his eyes and turned around to see Ben walking towards them, his head down. Hadley let go of Harry and stepped forward, jumping up and kicking Ben in the head. He subsequently fell to the ground, unconscious. Harry's jaw dropped and Hadley turned around.

"Don't tell me that turned you on." Hadley rolled her eyes.

"It was a good view of your ass." Harry shrugged. Hadley shot him a glare then looked back at Ben on the floor.

"Well what do we do with that?" Hadley asked, ignoring Harry's comment.

"We take 'im back to the chip shop." Harry said in a duh tone. "Well, flame, you will." he smirked, looking at where Evie, Carlos and Jay were staring down the alley. "I need to inform them of the situation." Harry removed his pirate hat from his head and placed it on Hadley's head. He then put his head down and walked off down the alleyway.

"Hooky! For fuck sake." Hadley groaned and looked at Ben's body. She sighed, shaking her head and then lifted his body up, dragging him all the way to the Fish & Chip shop.


"Mal's comin' soon. We need to put him somewhere." Harry said, sitting on a table with Hadley on the chair in front of him. He started playing with her hair as she crossed her arms. Ben was still unconscious, and had been tied to another chair by her, Harry and Uma.

"I know the perfect place." Uma smirked. "A place they can't get to to try steal him before noon tomorrow." she looked at Hadley.

"Oh no. No no no no no." Hadley shook her head. "No way."

"Come on, Hadley. You know your way around the Underworld. You can hide him there." Uma shrugged. Hadley scowled, leaning forward and glaring at Uma.

"Listen, shrimpy. One, I'm not your little eel for you to boss around. Two, if I go down there, I won't come back up and neither will Ben. So if you actually want a chance of getting the wand, you should think of another place we can keep him." Hadley said seriously. "I am not going anywhere near that place."

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