Two: What's My Name?

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Hadley watched the shop break into applause for Uma, though she seemed disappointed at the least. A scowl fixed to Uma's face as she sighed and jumped up to sit on the bar. She was in a conversation with Harry. Hadley smirked and slowly walked over to them, taking a seat on a barstool.

"Unsuccessful, huh shrimpy?" Hadley said. Uma rolled her eyes.

"Mal always wins! It isn't fair." Uma exclaimed.

"Good always wins." Hadley said mockingly, rolling her eyes. "I thought we'd all accepted that by now."

"Never. We will change that." Uma said, clearly determined.
"Yeah that's what you said last time." Hadley rolled her eyes. "We're just the bugs for those goody princes and princesses to step on." she spat.

"What's brought you out of your hellhole anyway?" Uma asked.

"For me of course." Harry smirked. He moved his hook to touch her hair but she caught the hook and pushed it away, a scowl forming on her lips.

"Not even in your dreams, hook." Hadley pushed him away, looking at Uma. "I thought it was about time I came out. Reunited with the old friend shrimpy." Uma rolled her eyes at that comment.

"Hm, well it seems like you came to laugh in my face." Uma scoffed.

"I'm not laughing in your face, just expressing my feelings on your failures." Hadley shrugged, leaning back. To her surprise, she leaned back into Harry's chest, who was stood behind her. "Hook! I swear I'm going to fucking throw a chair at you." she quickly sat upright and pushed him away.

"I wish you would stop flirting with each other. It's disgusting." Uma commented, turning away when her mother called. "What mom?!" she yelled.

"Your shift starts in ten minutes!" Ursula's voice responded. Uma groaned.

"Mooommm! Trying to plan here!" she complained.

"Your plans never work anyway." Ursula's voice replied. Uma rolled her eyes at this and gave no response.

"Woah, someone's salty." Hadley raised an eyebrow. "And we don't flirt at all. He's annoying as fuck."

"Sure Hadley. I gotta go get ready for this stupid shift." Uma groaned, leaving behind the counter.

"He has a name, y'know flame." Harry smirked from behind Hadley, leaning down so he was close to her ear. "Don't deny you love me really." Harry whispered in her ear.

"Fuck off, hooky." Hadley said through gritted teeth, her annoyance evident. He backed off after a second, a small frown appearing on his lips.
"Fine fine. No need to go all fiery on me." Harry stepped back as Uma reappeared from the back, wearing her apron.

"So she hasn't killed you yet." she commented, leaning on the counter.

"She wouldn't kill me, she loves me too much." Harry said, half-joking and half-hoping it was true. Hadley rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"If that's what you like to tell yourself, hooky."

"There's the nickname." Harry used his hook to gently caress Hadley's blue hair, for as long as she would let him before pushing him away again (so barely a second).

"Leave the girl alone and turn the TV on, Harry." Uma rolled her eyes. "Where's Gil?"

"Nooooooo clue." Hadley shrugged. "Haven't seen him."

"Because you've been too focused on me." Harry teased. Hadley rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I don't hear any denial." he added, a smirk forming on his face.

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