Twelve: Drunken Slut

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The rest of the day passed by quickly and it was really just a normal night in Ursula's fish and chip shop. Loud and rowdy pirates, Uma doing her rounds on night shift, Gil eating eggs and Harry admiring the daughter of Hades. None other than Hadley. She was drunk. Veeery drunk. Dancing on a table, a bottle in her hand, her very revealing clothes. She was carefree and and looked sexy, no pirate would dare to argue, but none would admit it in front of Harry. Or rather, most.

Sat on a table in the shadows, watching from afar were the twins. The son and daughter of Morgana, the younger sister of Ursula. Maegan and Magnus. Maegan sat with a scowl fixed to her face. Magnus, on the other hand, had his head propped up by his hand and had a very dreamy look on his face.

"She's so gorgeous." he sighed.

"She's a drunken slut." Maegan spat, rolling her eyes. She was used to her brother gawking over Hadley, but her response never really changed.

"Shut up Meg, she's an angel." he said dreamily, not even trying to hide it.

"It's Mae." Maegan grumbled. "The daughter of Hades? An angel?! You're getting worse." she shook her head.

"I'm just in love."

"Just shut up." Mae groaned. "Love is stupid."

"One day little sis, one day." Magnus patted her head.

"No." Maegan said bluntly, pushing him away. "You're worse than stupid Auradon royalty."

"Take that back." he snapped out of it and glared at his sister.

"Nah." she said carelessly as she looked at her long nails, painted black.

"Bitch." he grumbled.

"I know." she smirked. She looked over to Hadley and scowled again.

"I hope she falls off that table. And lands on Uma. Kill both of them. Or maybe we just break the table when Uma's nearby. Two birds with one stone."

"Don't say that shit out loud Meg!" Magnus warned.

"Mae." she grumbled. "And do you think I really care?"

"You would care if Uma could hear you." he whispered harshly.

"What's she gonna do?" Maegan rolled her eyes.

"Kick us out, tell mom, throw us to the crocodiles, have the pirates beat us up..." Magnus rambled.

"Oh come on. Hook would only beat you up if he catches you gawking over Hadley." Maegan said. "You're just being paranoid."

"What is up with that guy?" Magnus said harshly. "She's not his girlfriend or anything, but he's so... infatuated with her."

"And you're not?" Mae questioned. Magnus ignored her and continued.

" I should be able to appreciate her beauty. And there is a lot of it. It's not fair." Mae rolled her eyes.

"Beauty." she scoffed. "She tries too hard and half of it is fake. And Hook definitely wants her, I mean look at them." she pointed to Hadley and Harry, who were clearly flirting. "That's not just a friendship. No way."

"I should go stop him from taking advantage of her." Magnus said, standing up.

"No." Maegan stood up and pushed her brother back into his seat. "It's her own fault if he does, she shouldn't be as drunk as she is. Plus, they've already fucked each other so what's the difference? Hook will literally stab his hook into your chest so you bleed to death if you go over there so I suggest you stop being an idiot and leave it alone."

"You're right." Magnus sighed, sitting down. "But why is she so hot?" Maegan just rolled her eyes. "What?"

"You're an idiot." she sighed. "I don't see how you can find that," she pointed at Hadley, who was almost stumbling off the table. "Attractive in any way."

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