Seven: No One Calls Me A Slut

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Nightfall came upon the Isle, and after her little run ins with Harry, Hadley decided to take up Grey's offer and go back there. She really didn't feel like facing her father at all, and it was never warm on the Isle, especially at night. As she was walking, she noticed one of Uma's pesky pirates. A female.

"Great. I swear they're fucking everywhere." Hadley sighed. She tried to avoid the pirate but it didn't work well, it never did.

"Hey! Blueberry!" The pirate called.

"Fuck off. I'm not in the mood. Go clean Uma's ass for her and support her stupid dramatic musical numbers." Hadley snapped, crossing her arms. "And stop calling me Blueberry."

"I won't fuck off until you leave Greyie alone." The pirate mimicked Hadley, also crossing her arms. "He's mine."

"Excuse me." Hadley raised her eyebrows. "Hm, how about no. And the last thing Grey would want is a little pathetic pirate following him around like a sheep so I suggest you get out of my way." she glared at the pirate with a scowl. The pirate uncrossed her arms.

"You slut! He's mine!" Out of nowhere she threw a punch at Hadley's face. The sudden punch surprised Hadley and instantly, blood started to drip from her lip.

"You fucking dirty little scoundrel!" she punched the pirate in the nose and kicked her stomach so she was on the floor. "Don't mess with this bitch! Don't mess with Grey! He belongs to no one! Not me, and certainly not you! YOU HEAR ME?" she leaned down and punched the pirate's eye. "SO SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND FUCK OFF OR ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE!"

"Y-yes." the bleeding pirate stammered.

"You'd better! If I see you anywhere near Grey again I will end you! And I will make sure you're constantly tortured for all eternity!" Hadley kicked the pirate in the stomach. "And stay away from Hook too. I saw the way you were looking at him. Don't ever give him that look ever again." She said sternly and punched the pirate's face.

"W-why do you want them both??" The pirate suddenly smirked. "If you're screwing Grey why do you want Hook? Are you that much of a slut?" Suddenly, Hadley's face boiled red with anger and rage.

"THAT'S IT. YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD! NO ONE CALLS ME A SLUT." She yelled, pressing her hand to the pirate's throat so she couldn't breathe. "ANY LAST WORDS?"

"What... would... the boys... say?" The pirate gasped.

"I'm a slut. I'm a murderer. This is me, I don't give a fuck." Hadley replied. "Is that all?" She pressed down harder.

"Fuck.. you."

"Nah. My standards are waaaayy too high for you. Enjoy the afterlife." Hadley smirked and suddenly yanked the pirate's head forward and crashed it down onto the concrete. Blood instantly covered her hands and she stood up, kicking the pirate's face one last time before climbing through Grey's window. She was practically bathed in blood at this point.

Grey was sitting on his bed staring at his hands.

"Hey Hadley." he said without looking up so she could only see the side of his head. He was pressing something to the other side of his face.

"Well I just fucking killed someone." She said quietly, wincing and touching her lip. "What are you doing?" He turned his face to her revealing a severe black eye.

"Did you just say you... yep you did." he said, covered in blood and holding ice to his eye.

"What the fuck happened to you?" she raised her eyebrows. "And yeah I kinda murdered someone. But not before she managed to take a hit." she looked in the mirror at her swollen and bloody lip. "Don't think you'll wanna kiss this." He stood up and walked towards her.

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