Twenty Three: Mark My Words

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The next morning soon rolled around and it was the day of the Ship Showdown. The previous night, Harry had debated going to see Hadley, but once he reached her door, he found himself frozen, unable to open the door.

It was just as well, really, since Hadley had fallen asleep after being on the verge of a panic attack for a while. She was woken up by shouting coming from one of the rooms in the back of the chip shop where some of the pirates stayed, as well as Uma, Harry, Gil and of course, Hadley. She tried to ignore the shouting in hopes someone else would deal with it, but it just continued. There was a sudden loud crash which caused Hadley to groan and finally roll out of bed, despite her huge headache and nausea, no doubt from the alcohol.
She made her way through the hallway, surprised to see it empty. She had expected to have a load of pirates crowding around, trying to watch whatever fight was going on and entice it until it pretty much ended with someone being dead.

It didn't take Hadley long to locate the room where the chaos was happening, she just followed the sounds of shouting, banging and crashing. The loud noises were amplified by a thousand because of her headache, making it so much worse.

"Do you know how to shut the fuck up?!" She shouted, standing in the doorway of the room. She had her eyes closed and a hand pressed to her forehead, so she didn't see who was in the room right away. "If you don't, then trust me I will fucking make you. And I won't use a silly little necklace spell I will literally rip your vocal chords out with my bare fucking hands and choke you with them!" She all but shouted. It wasn't until after she had finished shouting that she actually opened her eyes, looking up to see who it was. She was hit with surprise that it was King Ben, having ripped out of the rope tying him to the chair and had one of the pirates pinned to the floor. Ben was reeling with anger, his face red and a scowl prominent on his lips. Blood stained the pirate's face, his left eye already bruising and blood dripping from his bottom lip and pouring from his nose. "Woah, what the fuck?" She blinked. She soon got over her slight shock and stepped into the room, aggressively pulling the King off of the pirate. "What the fuck are you doing?" She questioned harshly.

"He... he just attacked me!" The pirate scrambled to his feet.

"Because you're nothing but a disgusting monster! Don't you know what you did to her?!" The king shouted, Hadley tightening her grip on him.

"It was worth it. It's a shame I couldn't do more." The pirate taunted, still managing to smirk through the blood.

"Scatter, idiot." Hadley snapped, glaring at the pirate. "You're making shit worse for yourself and if anyone's gonna kill you, it'll be me. Shrimpy will gut you if you show up to the ship looking like that. So unless you want me to finish the job, I suggest you leave." She fake-smiled, and then her hard glare and scowl returned.

"And what if I don't, Blueberry?" A playful smirk formed on the pirate's lips. Hadley dropped Ben to the floor and rushed forward, pushing her hand onto the pirate's neck, stopping him from being able to breathe properly.

"If you don't, then mark my words, I will push every last bit of oxygen out of your pathetic body and make sure you fucking wheeze, gasp and choke to death. And if I get bored of watching you struggle, I might be nice and snap your neck for you." She cracked another fake smile, putting more and more pressure on the pirate's neck, he was already gasping, his face tinting purple. She showed no mercy at all.

"I-I-I'll... leave..." The pirate managed to gasp out. However, Hadley didn't stop, she kept pushing and pushing, the pirate struggling and struggling. Her stone cold glare was fixed to his face. The pirate tried to speak and beg for mercy, but all he could do was wheeze and gasp.

Suddenly, a firm hand pulled Hadley back, leaving the pirate gasping desperately, holding a hand to his neck which already had bruise marks on it.
"Leave him alone." The bored voice of Uma came from behind the blue-haired girl. She spun around.

"What? You're scared of losing more of your little 'followers'?" Hadley seethed, clenching her fists. "If you lose any more, you know you won't have enough support to be the ruler anymore. It's only a matter of time... Shrimpy." She said harshly. Uma glared at the taller girl.

"Get out." She nodded towards the pirate. "Take Benny Boo to the ship. Tie him up. Watch him. Make sure Harry's there too." She ordered. The pirate just looked at Uma, still struggling to breathe. "Now!" Uma snapped, which made the pirate scramble to his feet. At that, another pirate poked his head around the corner. "You. Help the fool." Uma said as the other pirate ran into the room. The two pirates used rope on the floor to tie Ben up again, with more knots so he couldn't escape, and then scurried out of the room with the King.

Hadley and Uma were now in the room alone. And that never ended well.

 And that never ended well

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