Twenty Two: Why Would She Want Me?

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Hadley just stared at the open door, lost in thought about Harry.

"You okay?" Grey asked, pulling her from her daydream. A tear rolled down her cheek.

"I-I've hurt him somehow... he wouldn't just..." she said in a whisper.

"And there's my second theory proven." Grey said softly. "He was jealous."

"Jealous..." tears slid down Hadley's cheeks. "He must think that we're..."

"Maybe, maybe not. Look, I can go talk to him." Grey sighed.

"But he'll hurt you..." she mumbled.

"How little faith you have in me." Grey said dramatically. "I won't let him. I can maintain a little decency once in a while." Hadley rolled her eyes but took a deep breath.

"Okay... but... I need to get this off my chest... don't tell him. Please."

"Okay..." Grey said.

"I..." she trailed off. Grey sat down on the bed

"You..." he prompted.

"I think... I think I like him... like, really like him." Hadley admitted quietly, looking down at her hands. "Even though we don't really know what that feels like... I don't know."

"I'm not surprised." Grey sighed.

"What?" Hadley's head snapped up. "What do you mean by that?"

"Blu, you might think I'm a cocky jerk but I can see through people. I can tell you care deeply about him. Which is why I am willing to get my ass hooked." Grey stood up. "You deserve to be happy." he said and kissed her temple. "I won't tell him." he smiled and left the room. Hadley blinked a few times and just stared at the door for a while. Eventually, she flopped backwards onto the bed and sighed deeply, closing her eyes.


Finding Hook's room wasn't hard. He just followed the sound of crashing objects until he got to a room. It was certainly bigger than Hadley's, although way messier. And in the center was Harry, clearly trying to calm down.

"Well someone is a bit mad." Grey said, leaning against the doorway. Harry spun around and instantly glared at Grey.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Harry grumbled. "Shouldn't you be making out with her?" he threw a sword and it stuck into the wall next to Grey. Greyson barely flinched.

"I don't know, should I? Make out with the girl you left alone in a state?" he raised his eyebrows. Harry stopped for a moment.

"She doesn't need me. She has you. Why would she need me? A dirty pirate, when she has you. You care for her, you look after her, you make her laugh. What do I do? I piss her off. I annoy her. I make her mad." Harry ranted, throwing a glass to the floor.

"And you think I don't?" Grey questioned, standing up straight. "Where the hell you think I got this nose? And I really don't care what you think about yourself, I couldn't give a shit about that. But what I do care about is that you upset her." He stepped closer. "You think she wants me and not you? Then why did her mood change for the worse when she noticed you were gone? If she truly wanted me then she would've had me by now. She would've shown me a sign. She doesn't want me. She has my friendship. She's my friend. Sure we hook up sometimes, but it's purely physical. Maybe it was once more than that, but now there are no emotions other than ones of friendship. I care for her, but not in that way." Grey explained. "She's the only one that I have left." He finished. Harry just stared at Grey and his mouth dropped open slightly. He shook his head and then stiffened again.

"She deserves better than what I can give her. She doesn't know how I feel about her, she won't realise." he sighed. "She won't want to see me anyway. I've messed it all up." he slumped down onto his bed.

"Then why don't you fucking tell her?" Grey asked.

"She won't listen to me long enough for me to." Harry said. "You of all people should know exactly what she's like."

"Good point, but you gotta make her listen." Grey replied.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" Harry sighed, standing up.

"You either strap her down or somehow get her entire concentration." Grey said simply.

"It's not that simple. Not with fla- Hadley." Harry sighed again. "She doesn't concentrate."

"Yes she does. It's rare but she does have those moments." Grey shrugged.

"How do I get her to concentrate?" Harry asked.

"There's no textbook way to do it, it just sort of happens." Grey shrugged again.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Harry questioned. "You could just keep her to yourself."

"Because I want her to be happy." Grey said. "I don't like you. I barely tolerate you. But for some reason you make her happier. Like I said, she's the last one I have left. I care for her. And she deserves to be happy." And with that, Greyson Gothel left the room, disappearing from the chip shop after that.

"Can I give her the happiness she deserves?" Harry muttered to himself, staring out of the door.

"Can I give her the happiness she deserves?" Harry muttered to himself, staring out of the door

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