Sixteen: I Saw Mal

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"Hooky!" Hadley shouted as she pounded on the window of his room. She could see him, shirtless but covered up and swaddled in the blankets of his bed. "You were awake and at the ship an hour ago!" she shook her head. "AND YOU NEVER LOCK YOUR WINDOW! Why do you have to do it now?" she groaned, pulling on the handle of the window. It wouldn't budge. "Okay you give me one choice and one choice only." she sighed, leaning down and taking off her boot. She threw it, and it barrelled towards the window, smashing the glass. Harry still didn't even budge. "He could sleep through an earthquake." she rolled her eyes and tried to be careful as she climbed through the window. Suddenly, she felt a harsh pain in her leg. "Fuck!" she exclaimed, looking down to see her black leather pants ripped, revealing a bloody gash on her leg. "Thank you glass." she mumbled, jumping onto the floor. She could feel the blood rolling down her skin. Sighing, she grabbed a cloth from the table beside Harry's bed and wiped the blood. Then, without warning, she jumped onto Harry.
"WAKE UP YOU LAZY DICKHEAD!" she shouted. He rolled over, causing Hadley to fall into his arms.

"No..." he murmured, tightly holding her.

"Not this again." Hadley groaned, punching his arm. "Let go of me!"

"Mmmm." he muttered, nuzzling his face into her neck.

"I didn't break the window and cut my leg for you to just trap me in your arms!" she complained, but he just ignored her. "Don't you dare go back to sleep." it went quiet. "Of course." she sighed as Harry started to snore, though his breath tickled her neck and... it made her smile. She shook her head. "HOOKY!" she yelled, squirming.

"Stooooop." he muttered, still holding his head in her neck. "I like it when you're in my arms."

"Well I don't want--" she stopped. "What?" she blinked. He murmured something again and then kissed her neck. "Hoo-Hooky stop." she mumbled. Though deep down she felt that it was the last thing she wanted him to do...

"No..." he mumbled and moved his head up, kissing her jaw.

"I-I... Hook I didn't come here so you could hold me and kiss me." she sighed.

"Don't lie." he turned her around so she was facing him.

"I'm not lyi--" she was cut off by him pressing his lips to hers. She fought the urge to kiss back and pulled away. "We can't keep doing this." she mumbled, still in his arms.

"Doing what?" he asked, running his fingers through her long blue hair.

"Kissing. Hugging. Being casual about it." Hadley finally managed to sit up on the edge of the bed and put her head in her hands.

"We can't keep pretending there's nothing there, flame." Harry sat up groggily, sighing. "We can't keep callin' it casual, because it's not."

"Then what is it, Harry?" Hadley snapped, standing up. "What is it? Because I'm still trying to work that out myself."

"Flame..." he trailed off when she shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. That's not what I came here to talk about." she muttered.

"But it obviously does..." Harry murmured. "Then why're you here?" he asked, looking at her. However, her eyes seemed to be focused on something else. It made Harry smirk. "You know you can just say you like my abs, flame. You don't have to just admire them..."

"Shut up." Hadley shook herself out of her daydream and her cheeks went pink. "Just put a shirt on so I can talk to you properly."

"You sure that's what you want?" he smirked.

"Harry. This is important." she said firmly. He sighed and climbed out of bed, grabbing his ripped vest and putting it on.

"Fine. Come on then, tell me what's got you so..." he trailed off, his eyes drifting to the glass on the floor. "You broke the window?!"

"It was locked and I had to get in somehow and you wouldn't wake up. What else was I supposed to do?" Hadley rolled her eyes.

"You coulda just walked through the shop!" he pointed out. "Why didn't you just do that?"

"One, your door is locked. Two, I can't be arsed to deal with Uma or Gil, they'd ask questions. Three, the pirates would've made comments at me and I'd have most likely killed one of them. I can't remember what I did or said last night, I probably flirted with a lot of them." she sighed as Harry scowled slightly. "They saw you carry me to your room last night, they're all gonna think we had sex." she said, looking at her nails.

"We didn't though." Harry muttered.

"They don't know that though, do they? And are they gonna believe me if I tell them that?" she raised her eyebrows. "Nope."

"Alright but ya didn't need to smash the window." he said, picking glass up off the floor.

"Well you weren't waking up, so I had no choice. And because of that I cut my leg, so I'm blaming you." Hadley grumbled.

"You did what?" he asked worriedly. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." she rolled her eyes. "I've had worse. Now listen to me and let me tell you why I came here in the first place."

"Fine." he sighed.

"I saw Mal." Hadley said simply.

"Her face is everywhere, flame." Harry said, bored.

"Well yeah don't we all know that." she rolled her eyes. "No, I saw her, Hooky. She's here."

"What?" Harry's eyes widened.

"Yeah I know." she nodded. "I don't know how or why, but she is. She had this purple motorbike." Hadley explained. "And I talked to her."

"Flame are you sure you're sober?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! I saw her, I swear to Hades." Hadley said firmly. "It's not the alcohol. I haven't drank since last night."

"Where'd you see her?"

"In one of the alleys." Hadley explained as Harry just looked at her in confusion. "If you don't believe me, then why don't you go see for yourself? The hair salon. That's most likely where she'll be."

"Fine. But I don't see why she'd be here when she has her perfect life in Bore-adon." Harry pulled on his cloak and placed his pirate hat on his head. Quickly, he pressed his lips to Hadley's cheek before darting out of the window.

"Hooky!" Hadley groaned.

"You love it!" he called, though she couldn't see him anymore. This time, she didn't even try to deny it... instead, she just stared out at the window, lost in thought.

 instead, she just stared out at the window, lost in thought

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