Fourteen: Her Return

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Hadley was sat on one of the many tables in the chip shop, tapping her long, painted-black nails on it, boredom consuming her.

"Ugh, Hooky could at least be here to annoy me." she muttered, looking around at all of the pirates, some flirting, some throwing food at each other, some laughing and some arguing. No sign of Uma, Gil or Harry. "I can't even go bug Grey because he'll be working." she mumbled, standing up and pushing through two pirates who were arm wrestling. Both of them stared at Hadley as she walked past.

"Blueberry! Do you mind?" one of them yelled.

"No. I really don't." Hadley replied without even turning around. She walked straight out of the shop, out onto the streets of the Isle. Climbing up onto a roof, she heard calls of 'Blueberry' as well as wolf-whistles, but nothing she wasn't used to at this point. As her black boots clattered against the metal roofs, she started to hum a little tune, walking until she reached one of the many alleyways. Jumping down from the roof, she landed right in between an argument between two pirates. "Okay move outta my way. You can continue your petty yelling competition when I'm not here to have my ears shouted into." Hadley pushed the two pirates away from her and strutted down the alley. The pirates and other people that crowded the alley turned their heads, some whispering about Hadley, some just gawking. "You're allowed to admire the goods, you know." she smirked at one particular man that was cowering. She lifted his chin up and stared into his eyes. "Cute. I scare you."

"P-please don't hurt me..." the man muttered.

"Oh come on, do I really look that barbaric? Oh wait," she laughed. "Yeah I do." she let go of him abruptly and he fell to the floor. "Whoops." she stepped over him. "I'm not sorry." she shrugged, walking on by.

"Nice ass!" a random whistle came from behind her, which she rolled her eyes to. As Hadley walked, she spied a poster that was tacked to a wooden post.

"What do we have here?" she tilted her head. On the poster there was a boy and a girl, the boy was dressed in blue with a golden crown on his head, and the girl had blonde hair with light purple tips and was dressed in pink. The writing above the couple read: 'Royal Cotillion'. "Ugh. It's Mal and Ben." Hadley spat. "How perfect." she tilted her head and then smirked. "Hm, well the poster looks quite boring. I can fix that." she turned around. "Hey you!" she called to one of the men on a stall, making him jump.

"Y-yes?" he stammered.

"Those crayons. I want them." she pointed at a box on his little table.

"But... there are only three left." he picked up the box and opened it, showing her.

"They'll do." she shrugged. "Give. Now." she said firmly and he threw the box over to her. She pulled out the brown crayon first and drew a beard and eye patch on what was supposed to be Ben. She then took out the green crayon and wrote across the image of Mal. The message read: 'Good girl'. With the final crayon, a purple one, Hadley drew a huge cross across Mal's face. "Now that's art." she laughed, throwing the box of crayons behind her, the man catching them. Suddenly, there were sounds of a motorbike revving that echoed down the alley. "What the-" Hadley heard exclamations and glass smashing, so she jumped back behind one of the wooden posts. A purple motorbike sped down the alley, and sat on it was a girl dressed in purple leather, she had blonde hair with washed out purple tips. Hadley's eyes widened. "No way... is that..." she whispered in disbelief. The girl looked at the poster that Hadley had decorated and pulled it off the wooden post, crumpling it up. "Well that was rude." Hadley muttered. The girl through the poster behind her and then drove off. Hadley emerged from behind the wooden post and stared off in the direction that the motorbike had gone. She crossed her arms. "Well, well, well, it seems to be that little princess Mal has made her return. How interesting."


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