Nineteen: Listen, Beastie Boy

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Hadley's heavy footsteps echoed through the small alley as she followed the sound of voices to find the room in which the pirates were keeping Ben in. She heard obnoxious laughter, rolling her eyes. That was the room. She looked at the door which wasn't fully closed and kicked it open. In the room, two male pirates were stood either side of Ben, who was awake and tied to a chair. The pirates were clearly tormenting the king, he had his head down and he was ignoring the pirates and not putting up a fight as they searched his leather jacket, pulling out a wallet and a few other useless objects.

"Alright boys that's enough." Hadley crossed her arms, leaning against the doorframe. The pirates and Ben looked up. "Get out. I want to talk to our dear king." She smirked. The pirates growled and stood up, one of them punching Ben's shoulder before standing in front of Hadley; she was blocking the doorway. She held out a hand. "Hand it over."

"Hand what over, Blueberry?" one of the pirates said mockingly, and the other laughed a bit. Hadley scowled and grabbed the pirate who had called her blueberry's collar, pulling him down a bit.

"Don't start with me." She said harshly. The other pirate yelped and ran off. "You know I'm perfectly capable of killing you right here right now. Hand over the wallet and then leave." She said firmly. The pirate whimpered and placed the wallet in Hadley's other hand that was outstretched. "Now get out of here." She let go of the pirate abruptly, making him fall onto the floor on his stomach. Without a care, she stepped onto his back, causing the pirate to exclaim in pain as she walked across his back, jumping onto the floor after. "Go." Hadley instructed, turning around and pointing at the door. The pirate scrambled to his feet and ran out of the room. Hadley pulled another chair from the corner of the room and placed it in front of Ben. She sat on it backwards and leaned her arms over the back of the chair. She looked at Ben with a smirk. "Well hello, your Highness." She said mockingly. "Am I supposed to bow in your presence?"

"No, you don't have to." Ben said quietly. Hadley rolled her eyes.

"You're already too nice." She scoffed. "You Bore-adonians."

"What about us?" Ben asked.

"You're nice. It's disgusting." Hadley started to look through Ben's wallet carelessly. "I don't see how you do it."

"Because that's not what you are used to. From what I've seen it is very different here." Ben replied. Hadley looked up from the wallet and raised her eyebrows.

"Very is an understatement." She muttered. "You know nothing about what I'm used to."

"I wish I knew more." Ben said. "Maybe you could tell me." Hadley straightened up and looked at the king.

"I'm not here for you to interview." She scoffed. "This isn't an information centre. It's a kidnap."

"Well I know that. But I thought that I might as well use the opportunity to get to know more of my people." Ben said with a bit of a smile.

"We are not your people." Hadley said coldly. "We're our own people. It's everyone for themselves here on the Isle."

"You are still a part of my kingdom." Ben responded. "I have responsibility."

"The only thing we're a part of is the forgotten. The abandoned. The unwanted. The troubled." She rolled her eyes. "The actually interesting people. All because we're evil and so are our parents."

"But you are not your parents." Ben pointed out.

"Oh I know that. I'm nothing like my dad. If I was I'd hate myself." Hadley muttered, throwing the wallet to the floor after taking everything of value out of it, mostly the money. She carelessly shoved the money down her bra, which Ben raised his eyebrows at.

"I should have asked you sooner. Who is your father? And what is your name?" The king asked curiously.

"Why should I tell you? And why do you even care? All of us here on the Isle don't matter." Hadley replied, looking at her nails.

"Of course you matter. I'm trying to get to know you." Ben said gently.

"Get to know me?" Hadley raised her eyebrows. "Oh boy. No one knows me. But, if you really must know, I am Hadley Underworld, daughter of Hades." She bowed her head a bit.

"Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, right?" Ben asked.

"No, the Goddess of Love." Hadley rolled her eyes. "Of course. He's the fucking God of Death."

"So that makes you a Goddess then?" The king questioned. Hadley scoffed.

"Do I look like a Goddess to you?" She crossed her arms and then sighed. "Actually, don't answer that."

"What? Why?" Ben asked, genuinely confused. Hadley raised her eyebrows but they soon dropped back to normal.

"Oh I forgot. You're an Auradonian and you actually have a bit more decency than to go around flirting with every girl you see." She sighed a bit, leaning back.

"Is that what happens around here?" the king asked.

"Well, it's what happens to me." She shrugged. "I've dealt with it for years, nothing's gonna change. But that doesn't matter. The point was I'm far from a Goddess. That would require my mom being a Goddess, but I don't know who she is."

"So you could be a Goddess, you just don't know." Ben stated.

"I think I'd have realised by now, dear king." Hadley stood up, slowly walking in front of Ben. "Why are you so interested? I literally kidnapped you."

"As I said previously, I might as well take the chance to get to know some of you." Ben tried to shrug, though it was proven difficult considering he was tied up. "And if you aren't a Goddess, you are technically still a Demigod."

"Listen, beastie boy, I don't care what I am and neither should you. My dad's a dick and I'm pretty sure he'd strip any form of Godliness I had from me anyway. You don't have to care." Hadley kneeled to the level of Ben's face.

"You're my people too, of course I care." He replied. Hadley scoffed.

"Sure. So you and your dad sentence us all to a life of abuse, exile, hardship and, well, death." She rolled her eyes. "Sounds a lot like caring."

"Hay-Hadley?" Ben questioned, to which Hadley sighed and nodded. "Hadley, I'm sorry for whatever you go through. I wish I could help you."

"Well you can't. None of us want your help anyway." Hadley stood up. "And we don't need it. We survive. 'Cause that's how it is here on the Isle, Your Highness." She bowed mockingly as she backed towards the door. "Now let's just hope your perfect princess Mal comes through, or you're gonna be sharkbait. And I do not want to have to deal with you in the Underworld." Hadley said and before Ben could reply, she turned around and exited the room, carelessly leaving the door open behind her.

" Hadley said and before Ben could reply, she turned around and exited the room, carelessly leaving the door open behind her

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