Fifteen: Territory

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Hadley had made the decision to slyly follow Mal, after all, she hadn't seen her in months. And she seemed so happy with her perfect princess life. Why would she come back to the Isle?

Hadley ended up outside of Mal's old home, where she and Evie shared a room. Hadley hadn't been in there for so long... it almost felt weird. Silently, she made her way up the metal stairs after Mal had gone up. Well, as silently as she could. The metal rattled and shook under Hadley's footsteps as she made her way up. Once inside, she leaned against the wall, watching Mal as she threw her backpack onto her bed and looked around at the spray painted walls, at the other half of the room that was decorated to Evie's taste. Mal let out a heavy sigh.

"Life's so hard, isn't it?" Hadley sighed mockingly, making Mal jump and spin around.

"Hadley. What are you doing here?" Mal scowled.

"I should be asking you the same thing, princess." Hadley shrugged.

"Just get out." Mal sighed, turning away.

"Bore-adon not all it's cracked up to be?" Hadley raised her eyebrows. "I thought it was perfect for you. I thought you were a prissy pink princess now with your Benny Boo?" she tilted her head.

"It's complicated." Mal muttered, gritting her teeth. "Leave."

"No." Hadley smirked. "This is my turf now. If anyone is leaving, it's you." Mal spun around again.

"Well then I'll just have to take it back, won't I?" she crossed her arms.

"I'm not going to let you take it back." Hadley said coldly. "And I'm not the only one in your way either."

"Too bad I'll be taking it anyway." Mal shrugged.

"You really think Shrimpy's gonna allow that?" Hadley raised an eyebrow. Mal went silent. "With that hair?" Hadley muttered, looking Mal up and down. "Blonde?" she sniggered. "You tried to fit in so badly, didn't you?"

"Get out, Hadley." Mal said firmly.

"I don't take orders from people like you." Hadley scoffed. "I don't take orders from anyone."

"You never have been one for orders." Mal crossed her arms. "Unless it's Harry. You're like his little toy."

"No I'm not." Hadley said coldly. "I don't let anyone boss me around."

"Yet you're in Shrimpy's little gang?" Mal raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not in her little gang." Hadley rolled her eyes. "I just hang around there because I have nowhere else to go."

"Because no one else wants you. Shrimpy only wants you around her to make her look better. And you're probably only there because you know Hook will fuck you." Mal nodded towards Hadley's neck.

"No, that's not... it's not the only reason." Hadley mumbled, but then stood tall. "I don't have to explain myself to you." she turned around to leave.

"You're actually leaving." Mal laughed slightly. "All I had to do was bring up Harry."

"Fuck off." Hadley snapped. "And don't assume I'm going to keep you a secret. Just wait until Uma hears you're back."

"The sooner she knows, the sooner I'll be taking back my territory. So go ahead." Mal shrugged. Hadley started to walk away until she stopped.

"Oh and by the way, do something with your hair. The blonde does look ridiculous." she called back before jumping down from the steps.

" she called back before jumping down from the steps

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