a game

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"I don't wanna know. I really don't wanna know."

Adrianna groaned, rolling her neck around and slowly letting her eyes peek open. A sharp pain shot up her back from her sleeping position. She moved her head off something hard yet soft, her eyebrows drawing together.

"But in case you missed the announcement, the meet's cancelled. So we're headin' home. Pack it in." Coach ordered, irritation filtering through his tone. "Pack it in!" He yelled as everyone started to ascend onto the bus.

Adrianna lifted her eyes and was met with soft blue ones. Oh no. She mentally cursed herself as she sat a bit more upright. She fell asleep on Isaacs shoulder. He watched her curiously and carefully.

"Hey Ethan-"

"Coach, can i see your whistle for a second?" Lydia was already taking it from his neck.

"Hey Eth-Hey, I'm gonna need that back." Coach turned to talk to Ethan.

Adrianna distracted herself from Isaacs glare by looking up to Lydia, watching her as she sat down with the whistle. She placed her right hand over it and blew into it. The sound was muffled and came out as a gush of air instead of an irritating sound. Lydia slowly removed her right hand from the whistle, her eyes going wide. She turned her palm around to the rest of the group, revealing a purple powder. "Wolfsbane."

Stiles looked to Scott, his eyebrows drawn together in realisation. "So every time coach blew the whistle on the bus, Scott, Isaac, Boyd--"

"And Ethan." Lydia added.

"We all inhaled it." Scott revealed.

Adrianna looked to Isaacs angered eyes, "You were all poisoned by it."

"So that's how the Darach got in their heads. That's how he did it." Stiles concluded. He was furious and unsure on what to do. He looked between Lydias palm and the whistle. He made a quick decision and snatched the whistle. He hastily opened the window and chucked it out.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Coach yelled. "Stilinski!"

The bus' engine rumbled to life and the bus left the creepy motel before Coach could go fetch his whistle.

Adrianna chuckled slightly, leaning back into the seat. She curled her legs up to her chest and leant on the window. They were going back home. To the place she couldn't distract herself from Dereks death anymore. She had to see Cora, she just left her there.

"Are you okay?"

Adrianna turned her head to look at Isaac, his eyes full of concern. She offered him a small smile, slightly loosing herself in his ocean eyes. "I'm fine."

Isaac moved his eyes down to her side that she had her arm protectively wrapped around. "Have you healed?"

Adrianna looked down to her side. She had sort of forgot about it, which meant it had healed. "I think so."

Isaac nodded, wringing his hands together. He seemed nervous, not exactly unsure on what to say, but on how to say it.

"What is it?" Adrianna questioned, glancing down at his hands.

Isaac looked up at her, "Oh it's nothing."

Adrianna smirked slightly, moving herself around so she could better face him. "You know you can't lie to me, right?"

Isaac furrowed his eyebrows, then his shoulders defeated as if he'd lost an internal battle. "That's exactly it though. I can't lie to you, I can't. . . ." He pulled his lips together. "I can't figure you out."

Adrianna slowly nodded, she knew this talk would happen sooner or later. A part of her was glad Isaac was asking first. She wanted him to know, and that sort of scared her. "Is that such a bad thing?"

Isaac scoffed lightly, "I don't know. Is it? You can do things I've never seen before, nevertheless believed were possible. And you're quite cozy with Derek--" He slammed his mouth shut, realising what he said and regret instantly filled him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring him up."

Adrianna looked down, although she didn't want to talk about Derek, she didn't even want to hear his name, she couldn't help the small smile that fell upon her lips at the way he said that. He sounded almost jealous.

"What're you smiling at?" Isaac questioned, a small smile on his lips.

Adrianna shook her head, "Was that jealousy I heard?"

Isaacs eyes widened ever so slightly and he diverted his eyes from hers. He probably didn't even know that it was jealousy. Or maybe he did.

Adrianna took in a deep breath, "Okay. How about this? You can ask me a question, about anything, and i will answer truthfully."


"I also get to ask a question, and you have to answer truthfully too."

Isaac thought this over, his eyes moving across her face before he smirked. "Okay. Me first."

Adrianna rolled her eyes at his eagerness.

"What are you?"

Adrianna raised her eyebrows, she hadn't expected him to launch straight into it. She pulled her lips into a tight line. "I'm a witch, of sorts."

"Of sorts?"

Adrianna smiled, "That's two questions."

Isaac huffed out in annoyance and closed his lips.

"Why are you claustrophobic?"

Isaac's eyes darted to hers, shock evident on his face. He hadn't expected her to ask about that. He didn't even know she knew. "I uh, I--My father used to lock me in a freezer as punishment for things."

Adrianna's mouth parted slightly, that explains the hallucination he was having. And answers her questions. She nodded for him to ask his question.

Isaac was softer now, his ego brought down a few notches from her question. "What uh abilities do you have? Like, what can you do?"

Adrianna instantly balled her hands into fists, her nails piecing her skin and providing a dull pain for her to focus on. "Uh, well. I guess I can teleport. . . ." She gulped. "I can move things with my mind, which i can also channel into my hands." She dug her fingers in harder, drawing blood. She hated talking about this, because as she watched his face be amazed as she explained, she knew if he knew what she'd done, she couldn't bear to think of his reaction. She let out a shaky breath, "I can also see into peoples minds, see their memories and what they are currently seeing. That sorts of like an advancement of my empathy, which is why you can't lie to me. I know exactly what you, and everyone else on this bus is feeling."

Isaac slowly nodded, his eyes staring in hers with amazement and some other emotion she wasn't quite certain of. He gently reached out to her hands and before she could hide them, he opened her fists up. His eyebrows pulled together in concern and confusion as he looked at the bleeding nail marks. "I have one more question." He looked up to her. "Why do you hate yourself?

Adrianna pulled her hands from his and curled into herself. She squeezed her eyes shut to stop the tears that badly wanted to spill. She refused to cry in front of him. "You wouldn't want to know."

Isaac shook his head, "I do."

"No Isaac. You don't."





( edited )
so they are Adriannas powers. later on, it explains how she has so many.


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