Another day

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We wake up early next morning because we have to prepare for a photo shoot for one of the idols of the company.

We get ready and skip breakfast. We take our things and head to the office to meet up with another manager, who manages the a few Male idols.

Today we have a shoot with Chanyeol and Suho. I was called to help them and assist them.

"Okay, so the shoot is at ten o'clock. I want them to be ready by nine forty five. Okay?" He says.

"Yes manager nim." We respond.

"Y/N, you can drive right? You will pick them up at eight o'clock, understood?" He tells me.

"Yes manager nim." I say. I had recently turned eighteen and now I am allowed to drive the company's vehicles.

He gives others their instructions and then dismiss us.

"Oppa? I have to go now. Bye!" I say as I kiss his cheeks and hug him.

"Okay, Y/N, be careful." He says with a smile ruffling my hair. I smile like a small child. My brother is one of the only bright lights in my life.

I head to the parking lot with the key, dressed in a pair of jeans and a grey shirt. My hair is tied up in a ponytail and I am wearing my converse.

I get in and start the car. I check the time. Seven thirty, perfect.

I dial Chanyeol's number. "Hey Channy! I am picking you up for the photo shoot. Do you need anything? Should I buy something?"

Chanyeol is super close to me and is basically my best friend. He is adorable and kind. I love his personality.

"No. I think we have everything we need. Just come!! Fast!!" He says in a loud jolly voice.

I giggle as I hear the hyper boy. "Okay Channy! I am coming." I say and hang up.

I drive through the lot and then the road. I reach their place in twenty minutes.

I park the car in the driveway and walk up to the front door. I ring the door bell and wait for someone to open the door.

A really handsome man opens the door and looks at me. I gulp, shoot he looks like a prince.

"Hey! I am here to pick up Suho and Chanyeol." I say with a little difficulty.

"Oh! Come on in! My name is Sehun." He says as he flashes an adorable baby like smile smile at me.

My heart melts as I see his smile. I want to squish his soft cheeks. Oh so adorable!!!!

"I know. I have been working at the company for a while." I say with a laugh. He has probably not seen me before because I am usually sent for girl group activities.

"Really? But you look so young." He comments and gestures me to sit down on the couch.

"You have worked in the entertainment industry for long enough to know that age is not a factor when it comes to the job." I say.

Sehun looks at with a amazed expression. "That's true!" He agrees.

"Aren't you part of the shoot?" I ask him as he sits down.

"No. I am going to Paris for a fashion show today. I have to go it a few minutes." He says with the adorable smile.

"Oh! Enjoy your trip and amaze everyone!" I say, giving him a thumbs up.

He smiles at me and just at that moment, Chanyeol walks into the room.

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Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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