Under the mask

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I run behind the boy towards the manager's office.

He gestures me to get in and I do so. "Manager nim? What happened?" I ask as I get into the office.

Jimin, Yoona and Grace are sitting on the chairs opposite to him, looking extremely worried and sad.

"Ahhh Y/N! Aro has another fainting fit while they were practicing and was taken to the hospital." He says as he runs his hands through his hair, clearly frustrated.

"WHAT? HOW IS SHE?" I shout as I run to Jimin. "DID SHE HURT HERSELF?"

"The doctors said that she can't do anything for two months. She needs rest. But we have already announced the dates for the comeback and done everything to prepare." The manager continues as I look at the poor girls.

"Can't we postpone it somehow? We can't make her do anything!" I say as I look at the manager.

"We can't. Thatywhy we need you." He says as he closes his eyes and massages his temples.

"Mrs.Lee told me that you dance well. I know you sing well. And you are the person who looks the most like Aro." He says as he opens his eyes.

My mouth falls open. Wait, is this going where I think it is going?

"So ...... will you perform instead of her? We have masks as part of the outfit. Aro can go for the other event. You just have to perform." He adds.

I look at the four people with wide eyes. "Me? Me? What?" I ask as I walk backwards.

"Y/N, you have to do this." The manager says as the girls turn to me and nod their heads.

"Hmmm. Okay." I agree as I run my hands through my hair. I have to do this or else, mom will be affected.

The whole assembling smiles as I look at the floor. This means that my phone will be taken away. I'll have no contact with the others for two whole weeks.

So, what about Chen? I won't be allowed to see or talk to him. What will I say? I can't tell anyone else that I am taking Aro's place.

"You can go and start now. Lay is waiting in the practice room. They already started. But you will be able to catchup, right?" The manager says as he walks to me and pats my shoulders.

I nod silently as he raises he hand. I hand him my phone, I know this system by heart. He smiles as he takes it away and the girls get up and walk towards the dance room.

I bow to the manager and walk behind them to their practice room. How will all this turn out? Will someone find out?

I hope not. I hope Aro feels better soon. I am slightly happy that I am allowed to sing my songs. But I still hope there's nothing extremely wrong with Aro.

Hey dearies!!! I am writing a story as a collab with taeter10 We are writing a Jackson (GOT7) Smut FF. So, while you wait for the chapters, please read it. I worked super hard on it, along with taeter10  
Please do read it!!!

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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