Slip and kiss

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"I wasn't staring." I quickly reply as I pout. Actually, I was. I mean, you cannot expect a girl to not look when you are half naked in front of her.

He smirks and nods. I look away as he finishes buttoning his shirt.

"I am sorry again." I say quietly as I look at the still wet floor.

He doesn't reply but starts walking towards the door. He suddenly slips on the liquid on the floor and falls, taking me down with him.

He falls right on top of me and his lips touch mine and he chest presses against mine.

"Ahh!" I moan as the pain spreads across my body after his firm one crushes mine. The moan is muffled by his lips.

He opens his eyes to look right into mine and stay in the position for a few seconds before he gets up.

He brushes of the dust on his outfit as I sit up and look at him. He gives me an arrogant look and holds out his hand.

I take his hand and stand up as he tilts his head and observes me. I melt under his strong intimidating gaze.

He shakes his head and leaves my hand as he opens the door and walks out.

I touch my lips where his soft ones had been. Shoot! I just kissed one to the most famous actors in Korea.

Wait! Suho asked me to bring his coffee so long ago. Shoot! I don't want to get fired.

I quickly prepare another cup and run to Suho's room. I walk in, panting as I look at him, sitting on the chair, Haechan finishing his makeup.

As soon as I enter, Haechan gets a phone call and excuses himself as he walks out.

I gulp as Suho turns to me with a smirk. "What took you so long?" He asks, standing up and walking towards me.

"I ... I ... spilled the coffee so ... I .. had to make it again." I reply, shivering as he nears me.

He walks right up to me and closes the door behind me. He locks the door and looks into my eyes.

"Oh really? You weren't trying to stay away from me?" He asks leaning forward and placing his hands on either side of my hip, efficiently blocking me.

I don't know what to say and I am really scared. What was he going to do? What do I do?

He runs one of his hands through my hair and drags down his hand across my back.

I feel a shiver going up my spine as the action causes me to involuntary arch towards him.

He grabs the cup from my shivering hands and puts in on a nearby table. I close my eyes, not knowing what to do.

I feel his hand settle on my lower back and his other hand slides along my waist to the front.

His hand hooks on to my blouse and slowly drags it up as his hands trace my bare skin.

Oh Lord! Please help me!

*evil laughter* Hey dearies! How are you guys? Are you enjoying the story? Please tell me!!!

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Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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