Turn around

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I enter the makeup room to see Aro and the other members, Yoona, Grace and Jimin, smiling and talking to Unnie.

"Hello guys!" I greet them as I walk in and smile at them.

"Y/N! Hey!" They shout and group hug me. I smile as I hug them back.

"We are having a comeback soon, yay!" Aro says, excited like a little child.

"Yeah I know." I say laughing. "Work hard and make us proud again! Acrozz fighting!"

They mad happily. "Unnie, this time too, we have to pretend like we wrote the songs." Grace says sadly.

"I wonder who the writer is. The person is really good." Yoona chimes in.

"I wish they would credit that person." Jimin says.

"That's true. Who knows if they are even getting paid?" I say sadly.

These girls are so adorable and cute. They have to work so much. They really didn't want to play along with this plan but because of their contracts, they couldn't say no.

"I hope they are though." Jimin says, pouting.

"Well, you guys perform well and make them happy, okay?" I say with I bright smile.

They smile and Unnie looks at us and smiles sadly. She knows that I am the ghost writer.

We start doing the girls' makeup for their product promotional event at the store.

After we finish, Unnie makes me wait in the room as the girls bid farewell and go to the car.

"Are you ever going to tell anyone?" She asks in a soft voice as she looks into my eyes.

I shake my head. "I can't afford too." I reply and at that moment I get a phone call.

"NAE Manager nim? Okay, I'll be there." I say after picking up the phone.

I run over to Mrs.Lee's office to see Suho sitting on one of the chairs and Mrs.Lee, behind of her desk.

"Oh hey Y/N! Come on in, have a seat!" She says smiling. I smile and sit next to Suho.

"Why did you call me, manager nim?" I ask as I look at her and Suho.

"Suho is acting in a new drama and he needs a personal assistant for that so he specifically asked for you." She says. "That obviously includes extra payment."

I would have said no but the last sentence has me on the hook. I should probably take it.

I look at Suho who is smirking at me. Aish! I don't want to work with him but, oh well! I'll get through this.

"Okay, Manager nim. I'll do it." I reply.

"Okay, here is the file with all the details. You may go with Suho, right now." She says as Suho gets up.

I get up as well and follow him out the door. He continues walking silently towards the parking lot.

He hands me the key of their black minivan and looks at me.

"Let's discuss everything over at my place." He says with a hint of naughtiness in his voice.

"Okay!" I say in a high pitched voice as I open the door. We get in and it is a silent ride to the destination.

I feel like no one is actually reading this story. But I am going to continue writing because, well, I like writing.

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Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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