On set

501 26 9

As I continue my prayers, someone knocks on the door, behind me. I open my eyes to see a disappointed Suho roll his eyes.

He steps back and walks towards his chair. He sits down and gestures me to open the door.

I quickly open the door the see Haechan smiling at me. I smile back nervously and let him in.

I go and sit on a free chair as Haechan finishes his work. The crewman comes in and tells Suho that his scene is ready.

I sigh as Suho walks out the door. Thank goodness!!!

"Y/N! Let's go watch!" Haechan says in an excited voice and I smile sadly. Oh no! Not again!

An over excited Haechan drags me through the busy corridors to the gigantic room where the shooting is happening.

We show other IDs and get in the modern studio. I look around in amazement at the huge lights and cameras.

Suho is standing in front of the camera re reading the script before his scene. Chen is standing off camera talking to the director.

They talk and nod and show some gestures. I quietly hide behind Haechan and walk towards the set.

The set is a living room, a really grand expensive looking one. I admire the beautiful set as the director walks back towards his chair.

He shouts out loud, "We are starting. Everyone please keep quiet." He then shouts. "Lights camera action!"

The whole studio falls silent as Suho walks into the set and sits on the couch.

He looks tired and he takes off his black suit as he leans back against the couch.

A beautiful girl, who I assume is the main female lead walks in and stands next to him with a smile.

She is dressed in an oversized tee and sweatpants which look brand new and something I would never be able to afford.

Her hair is falling in perfect curls around her whitewashed face. She takes his suit in one hand as she bends down to kiss him lightly on his lips.

"Welcome home Lucas! How was work?" She says in a chirpy voice.

He rolls his eyes. "It was fine. Did you do the chores?" He asks her in a rude tone.

"Ye ...Yes." She replies, clearly taken aback by his rudeness. Suddenly her face changes as if she spotted something shocking.

"Are those lipstick marks on your neck?" She asks trying to touch his neck.

He slaps away her hand and stands up, "Stop meddling in my things! I never agreed to this marriage in the first place." He shouts at her and walks off screen.

She starts sobbing and falls to her knees, covering her face as she cries. Chen walks in and looks at her pitifully.

He tilts his head and holds her hand as he kneels down to her level.

"Again? He doesn't deserve you. He fails to see how beautiful and amazing you are, Y/N!" He says in a romantic hypnotising voice.

Y/N? The character's name is the same as mine? Woah! But, why is he holding her hand? I don't like this.

He slowly moves her hands away and holds up her face. No! Why is he looking at her as if he is going to kiss her?

He wipes away her clearly fake perfect tears and kisses her. NO! NO! Stop! What are you doing?

The director shouts cut and Chen immediately backs off. He looks away and then wipes his lips.

Tell me if you are enjoying the story!!! Please vote and comment if you like the chapters.

By the way, this drama that they are shooting is actually one of my stories called 'Roommates' which is a Mark (NCT) FF. Check that out while you wait for the updates!

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

Masked | Reader X Chen | EXO FF | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now