
613 36 15

Shoot! I have to work with that rude guy? Ahhh! Why him? Why?

It's okay. Anyway, I don't care. I am getting a chance to go onstage and that's what matters the most to me.

"Y/N, we need you here!" Someone shouts. I turn around to see Acrozz's manager standing near the conference room.

"Yes manager nim!" I shout back and run to him.

"What happened? Why do you need me?" I ask with a fake smile. I hate this man.

"We are discussing about the concept style for the comeback. The stylist wants to know a little from you." He says in a annoyed tone.

"Oh! Okay, manager nim." I say and bow.

"But, wear this mask and go to the makeup room first. You have to dress like Aro. Go quickly! The stylist will come in an hour." He says.

Oh! I forgot that. "Yes manager nim." I say and go to the makeup room.

"Hey oppa! Hey Unnie!" I say as I enter the makeup room.

My brother and his boss look up and smile at me. "Hey Y/N!" They say.

"Aro?" The makeup Unnie, Irene, asks with a sad knowing smile. I nod.

This isn't the first time I have had to dress up as Aro. This was all too common during comeback preparation.

Minseok's smile changes and he looks annoyed but he just tilts his head and grabs outfit on the chair.

"There! Go wear it quickly!" He says in a strained voice. I quietly nod and take the outfit.

I go to the dressing room and wear the short black skirt and loose yet amazing red full sleeved shirt.

I wear the black high heels and the silver belt and look in the mirror.

Her clothes are so beautiful. I love these idols' outfits. I admire the outfit and smile at my reflection. Only if I could be part of this.

I get out of the room and Unnie and oppa do my makeup and make me wear some accessories.

They temporarily colour my hair and since I already have the same piercings as Aro, they make me earrings which look like hers.

"There we are done." Unnie says and hands me a black face mask which covered half my face.

"Thank you!" I say sadly as I put the mask over my face. I look in the mirror.

They had done an amazing job. I look quite similar to Aro now. They told me that she is going for a fan meet in an hour so the outfit is fancy.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I open my eyes and nod farewell as I walk out of the room.

"Manager nim?" I say, changing my voice to sound like Aro. "It's me, Y/N." I whisper as he turns to look at me.

"Ah Yes Aro! Come on in!" He says with his annoying fake smile. He takes me inside the conference room.

The stylist looks up as I walk in. I flip my hair, something Aro does often.

I bow and say, "Good evening!" She stands up and smiles as she shakes my hand.

"Good evening Aro! I wanted to talk to you about your idea in the songs." She says. I nod.

All three of us sit down and start talking. First manager nim talks about his concept.

Then they ask me about my concept. "So, Aro? Tell me what your concept is!" She says.

"Mine? Okay, here goes." I say, sitting straight.

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Vote and comment if you like the chapters. Please, it really helps me stay motivated to write.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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