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After the shoot, I wait outside the changing room for the boys to come out. I look at the ground and think about the proposal I got from one of the managers two weeks ago.

What she told me is that since I have a passion for dance, I could audition for the position of a supporting dancer for a solo project of one of the male idols.

I had auditioned last week and was selected for the post. But, I didn't ask my brother before doing this because I know he won't let me.

He is strongly against me doing anything related to the idols as he fears that someone would harass me or assault me.

Knowing this, I still want to go because growing up I had always dreamt of being one of the idols on stage. I should ask Minseok today since I have to tell manager nim about my decision today.

"Y/N, let's go! I am hungry." Chanyeol says, wrapping me up in a back hug. I smile and nod. Suho comes and stands next to us.

"Let's go!" He says with a smile and Chanyeol pulls me along. All three of us walk to the minivan as the rest of the staff pack their things.

I start the car and we drive to Chanyeol's favourite restaurant. We order take outs for the five boys who stay are staying together. Sehun has gone to Paris otherwise we would have ordered six.

After we get our orders, we head to the boys' place. As soon as we enter the house, Baekhyun, Kai and Kyunsoo rush to grab their food. I laugh as I see the boys acting like little kids.

"I will get going now. Bye Channy!" I say as I hug Chanyeol.

"Bye Y/N!" He says and waves as I exit the grand house. I walk towards the car and get in. I drive directly to the company.

When I get in, I immediately go to Minseok. He is in our room.

"Oppa?" I ask him. "Can I join the new solo project coming up? Please, can I be the supporting dancer?" I beg him.

"No Y/N, I have already told you many times, this business is not safe." He says.

I beg over and over again. Finally, he agrees reluctantly. I jump around happily and run to the manager.

"Mrs.Lee?" I ask standing outside her office. She looks up and smiles.

"Ah Yes, Y/N, come in!" She says. "About the dance? Are you doing it?"

"Yes. Manager nim, who's project is it?" I ask as I smile wide.

"It's a new idol who transferred to our company last week." She says. "His name is Kim Jongdae."

"Chen?" I ask. I had heard about him. He is one of the most popular idol actors.

"Yeah. That's what they call him. You know him?" She asks.

"I have heard of him." I say and bow. "I should get going, manager nim."

"Okay Y/N, I'll send you the info through Minseok." She says. I smile and go out of the room.

As I walk out the man,with whom I collided against at the photo shoot location, walks past me to the same office that I exited from.

What is he doing here? Wait, now I remember him! He is Chen! That's why he looked so familiar!

Hey guys! So, I have been feeling down lately so .... the updates might not be as quick as the last time.

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Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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