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I sit quietly for one hour in his arms  as the car drove to the surprise location.

"Chen? It's been an hour? Where are we going?" I ask hesitantly as he runs his hands through my hair.

"We are almost there." He says in a whisper as he kisses my forehead. This feels so amazing. He has never acted like this before.

The car comes to an stop and Chen kisses me again as he tells me, "We are here." He smiles at me.

I smile and look out through the window to get a look at the destination. I observe that we have reached a beautiful grand garden filled with all kinds of plants.

I smile as slowly get out as I look at the beautiful view with a wide smile.

I feel a strong hand curl around my waist as I am lost in admiring the beauty of nature.

I look at the other masterpiece of nature standing next to me as he calls for my attention.

He smiles at me and leads me to the gorgeous place. I blush as we enter the small vintage gates.

This place is absolutely beautiful. "Wow. This place is amazing." I say as we are walking along the footpath.

"Just like you." He replies with a smile. I look at him and return an equally happy smile.

Suddenly my tiny Nokia which I got back today rings. I excuse myself as I take the call from my brother.

"Nae oppa? What happened?" I ask with a small smile tucking on my lips.

"Y/N, come to the company immediately. Om ... Omma, she met with an accident." Minseok says with a sad deep voice.

"WHAT? I AM GOING." I shout at the phone in shock as I hang up. "Chen? I am so sorry." I say as I hold his hand.

"What happened? You need to go?" He asks in a concerned voice as he places his hands on my cheeks.

"Yeah. Omma met with an accident. I need to go to the company immediately. I am so sorry." I say quickly in a rush to go.

"No. No. Don't apologise. We will go immediately." He says in a shocked voice as he grabs my hand.

We quickly walk out of the natural paradise and enter the car. As I sit nervously throughout the long silent car ride, Chen comforts me with hugs, kisses and a few kind words.

As soon as we reach there, I run out of the car in my heels and rush to the entrance. I immediately call Minseok.

"Where are you? Where is Omma? Is she okay? Which hospital did they take her too?" I ask in a rush.

Minseok doesn't reply but as I look up from my phone I see him running towards me.

He has tears crying down his cheeks. His eyes are red from crying. He quickly reaches me and envelopes me in a giant hug.

"What ... What .. what happened?" I ask as I imagine the worst case scenario in my mind. Is she ....

"Omma left us." Minseok says in a small tortured voice as he sobs. "She is gone, Y/N, she is gone."

I am on my period. That's my excuse for killing off Y/N's mother. Sorry!!! Don't hate me. It will get better, I promise.

Please vote and comment if you like the chapters. Check out my other works as you are waiting for the updates.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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