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My heart burst into a million pieces as I hear the news. My body goes limp as I process the information.

Omma? She is gone? Just like that? Gone? She left us?

My tears spill out as I fall to my knees taking Minseok down with me. I sit there unable to move or talk as the information destroys me.

I feel someone behind me. The person walks to the front. It's Aro. She is also crying.

She get down on her knees and hugs the two of us as she cries. One by one, Jimin, Grace and Yoona follow the suit.


We just got back to the company after Omma's funeral. I walk limply to my room, alone as Minseok was not allowed a leave today.

The pain still stinging my heart, I walk towards the small living quarters.

Suddenly, someone calls my name and says that I need to meet Manager nim.

I sigh as I change my direction and walk distractedly towards the office.

As soon as I enter, Aro hugs me. "No. Please. I'll perform. It's okay. Don't make her do it!" She shouts as she pats my back.

I look up to see Manager nim looking angrily at us. He massages his temples as he stands up.

"Aro, we can't let you perform." He says as he walks towards us.

"Y/N, there is a promotional event today and they just asked us to perform the song 'Masked'." He explains.

I nod silently. "I'll perform." I say in a quiet voice as I look at Aro. What is the use of resisting anyway?

The manger smiles and gestures me to go get ready.

I walk out of the office and head to the makeup room. Everyone keeps giving me pity filled looks but I just get ready silently and get into the company's minivan to head towards the destination with the rest of the group and staff.

We reach the place and the place is extremely crowded. Everyone clicks pictures of me as I walk out in my mask and jacket as I wave at everybody.

We walk through the red carpet at the centre which leads to the stage.

One by one we get on the stage and greet everyone.

"Hello everyone! My name is Aro, the leader of ACROZZ!!!" I say, imitating Aro's jolly personality.

The crowd cheer loudly as we introduce ourselves.

"We are going to perform 'Masked', all favourite song in the mini album." I say as I walk around the stage. "ARE YOU READY SEOUL?" I shout into the mic.

This performance is joined into the show so Aro can come on only after this performance.

The crowd shouts 'yes' and we get into our positions as the music blasts through the speakers and into our earpieces.

We start the performance by wearing the designer masks and putting on the coat.

As the first chorus starts we throw away the clocks and continue our performance.

My eyes start to tear up as I imagine my Omma to be in the crowd, proudly watching me as I perform.

But I push away all my thoughts as I continue the performance.

We reach the end pose and the music stops. The crowd goes wild with screams and cheers.

The noise drowns the MC's voice trying to say something. We bow to the crowd and wave at them as we get off the stage.

Aro steps in instead of me instantly, giving me a sad look. I smile sadly at her as the popular girl group walks onto the stage now complete.

I sigh and walk towards the green room. It's empty. That's odd.

I sigh as I close the door and lock it. I take off my designed mask and sigh.

I take off my heavy jacket to reveal a deep red v neck with spaghetti sleeves exposing the better parts of my chest.

"Y/N?" A confused voice comes from behind me as I take off my heels.

The story is almost over. What did you think of it? Did you like it? Was it boring? Tell me your opinions!!!

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Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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