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I feel someone behind me. Before I can turn, that someone spanks me and I let out a gasp which is drowned by the loud hustle of the crew.

That someone, as I suspected, turned out to be Suho. He smirks at me as he gestures the unsuspecting makeup artist and me to follow him over to the other side of the set for touching up his makeup.

I steal glances at Chen whose female makeup artist is doing his makeup. Why am I bothered? Aish!

I look at Suho who is ready for the next scene. We stay here the whole day, shooting various different scenes.

I am constantly bothered by the fact that Chen has lots of romantic scenes with the female lead.

At nine o'clock in the evening, we are shooting the last scene. Suho is done , therefore, we are getting ready to go.

I sneak into the studio to see what scene they are doing. I shouldn't have. I really shouldn't have.

The scene is a really racy one where the female lead is on top of Chen as she kisses him. I immediately feel my blood boil.

Suho pulls me by my hand and says, "Come on! It's late. We should go!"

I look at him and nod as I storm off to the minivan with his things.

I wait in the the drivers seat for a while before Suho finally emerges out of the elevator in the parking lot with a box in his hand.

He gets in behind and closes the door. I silently start driving towards our destination.

As soon as I stop the minivan in front of the house, Suho pokes his head through the seats and hands me a bottle of soju.

"You seem really mood off. Why don't you relax a little?" Suho says with a smile.

I am really pissed off for no reason. I take the soju and smile at him. "Thanks." I whisper.

He smiles and we cheers as we empty our bottles. Before I realise it, I have drowned three bottles.

My vision is blurry and I can't process whatever is happening. Suho asks me something.

"Huh?" I ask as I turn my head towards him. He smiles at me and ruffles my hair.

"You are too drunk. Why don't you stay the night?" He asks again.

"Oh okay." I reply and Suho gets out of the vehicle. He comes to my door and helps me out of the minivan.

We slowly walk towards the door and get in. As we are walking towards his room, Chanyeol walks out of his.

"Omo! What happened to Y/N?" He asks lifting me up bridal style.

"She got drunk." Suho replies. "It's Okay, she can stay in my room." He quickly adds.

"No. No. No. It's okay. She can sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch." Channy says quickly and takes me to his room.

I feel sleep coming over me as he puts me on the bed. I pull Channy by his hand and make him lay next to me as I hug him tight. "Please stay!" I say in a sleepy voice.

I feel him turn around and hug me as I snuggle into the blankets and close my tired eyes.

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Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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