Teddy bear

477 29 2

I wake up to my phone ringing, mercilessly taking away my sleep. I try to get up but then I realise that Channy is hugging me and one of his legs is over my waist.

This position is completely blocking me. I can't even move my hands from around his neck.

As the phone continues to ring, Channy stirs in his sleep and slowly opens his eyes.

He looks around like a lost baby and looks at the phone. He looks at me and grins. "Your phone!" He says childishly.

I smile. "Let me go!" I whine and he moves away. And as I get up, I see the other five boys, Sehun included, staring at us with their mouths wide open.

Channy sits up as well and waves at his friends who are at the door.

"You thought you were going to sleep on the couch? Why are you two sleeping like that?" Suho asks in a unbelievable voice.

Channy looks at them confused as it strikes me, what on earth they are talking about!

"NO NO. NO. NO." I say as I grab my phone and stand up. "Nothing happened between us. Seriously! We were just sleeping." I say quickly as I check my phone.

Shoot! Now it's a missed call. SHOOT! IT IS FROM MANAGER NIM!!! SHOOT!

"I should get going." I say as I run through the door, pushing the boys aside as I adjusted my clothes.

"SERIOUSLY GUYS. NOTHING HAPPENED." I hear Channy shout as I exit their house.

I get into the minivan and quickly drive to the company. I run to my room and freshen up.

I get ready in a pair of blue denim shorts and a loose black skirt. I tied up my hair in a ponytail and run to the manager's office.

I tried calling him several times but he did not pick up.

As I enter the office, Minseok stands up and says, "There she is." He seems relieved to see me.

"I am so sorry. I was at a friend's house. I spent my night there." I say as I bow to both of them.

Minseok hugs me and whispers in my ear, "Chanyeol called me yesterday. It's okay. But, don't forget to tell me beforehand."

I smile and whisper a yes. He walks out of the office and everything falls silently in the room with the manager sitting on his chair.

"Manager nim? Why did you call me?" I ask in a scared voice. "You needed me?"

"Ah Yes Y/N, today, you will have to sing the demo versions of the songs for Acrozz's new album." He says.

"Oh okay." I say sadly. Yet again, it me. I always sing the demos while Aro has to pretend like she wrote the songs.

"We will start the recording tonight. Today morning you have to go with Suho again." He adds and gestures towards the door.

"Yes manager nim." I reply and bow as I walk out. My eyes are turning watery so I blink away my tears.

I head to the makeup room and find no one there. I do my makeup and walk towards the office to grab the schedule.

I meet Aro on the way. "Hey Aro! How are you?" I ask as I hug the famous overworked pop idol.

"Hey Y/N! I have this publicity stunt thing. Ahhh! But this one is actually good. You know Chen right?" She says in an excited voice as she jumps up and down.

"Yeah?" I say as my curiosity is captured by the name of the famous actor.

"He has finally agreed to act as my boyfriend!" She says in a high pitched voice.

Oh! So, this is the thing that he was talking about yesterday! Ahhh! Really? Why? Why does he need a fake girlfriend?

Hey cutie pies!!! Are you enjoying the story??? Tell me!!! Please vote and comment if you like the chapters.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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