Day dream

491 31 15

"Oh! Wow! Congratulations!" I say with fake enthusiasm as she waves at me and walks towards the manager's office.

I stand there and look at the floor. I wish I was Aro. She has everything I have ever wanted.

She gets to perform my songs and take credit for it, she is loved by many, she gets the guy I .... wait, I don't like him.

Well he is hot but not that hot. Okay, nope, he is THAT hot. He is handsome and has a beautiful voice.

Shoot! What am I thinking of him? What's wrong with me? I lift up my head and look ahead to see Chen walking towards me.

The corridor is kinda empty as it is a Sunday and it's around seven o'clock in the morning.

Am I dreaming? Maybe day dreaming? What is he doing here? Am I becoming crazy?

The actor stops right in front of me. "You are that girl from yesterday right?" He asks.

I dumbly nod and pinch myself. Ouch! OMG! He is really here! Wait, what?

"What is your name?" He asks getting even closer.

"Y/N." I reply as I look at him and feel hypnotised by his beautiful features.

Suddenly he grabs my hand and pulls me into the room right next to us and closes the door.

I hear footsteps pass by through the hall as a bunch of people walk through it.

I stare at Chen with wide eyes as he turns to face me. "So, Y/N, you haven't made up to me for yesterday's incident." He says with a smug look.

I gulp. "Oh! What can I do?" I ask the gorgeous man as he walks towards me. I take steps back, away from him.

He tilts his head and laughs softly as he continues walking towards me. Finally, my back hits the wall and he closes up on me and blocks me by placing his hands on either sides of my waist.

"I was thinking.... since you are so pretty .... you don't have a boyfriend right?" He asks suddenly as he tilts his head.

I shake my head vigorously. "Good. Cause even if you had, I wouldn't have stopped." He says with a smirk, eyeing me hungrily.

He looks at me like I am a prey and he is the animal. He leans in closer till his lips are right next to mine, such that I can feel his breath on my face.

"Since you took that kiss from me yesterday, it's only fair that I take my share." He says, biting his lips as he eyes my lips like they are candy.

I am terrified and feeling like kissing him at the same time. His low deep voice is turning me on and I can feel the tension in the air as he stood all too close to me.

He finally gives into his temptation and fulfills my real desire and presses his warm soft lips against mine.

He takes my lower lip between his teeth as he slowly bites on it while his hands went around my waist and pulled my body against his.

Me likey! Hahahaha. Don't ask me why but these types are my favourite scenes, because, you already know!

Please vote and comment if you like the chapters. It really makes me more inspired to write.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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