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As you guys(Normani) wanted.

Lauren, Camila and Dinah give Normani her foursome for her 40th birthday.


~~~ Hotel ~~~


Lauren and Camila rode the elevator together in silence. Neither could believe what they were about to do. They had both secretly dreaded it and looked forward to it since that fateful day when they agreed to have a foursome with their dear old friends for Normani's 40th birthday.

They had all agreed to do this in a hotel because they would be damned to let anyone know about this and due to Lauren's horrible luck if they had done this in one of their homes there would be a very, very high chance of getting caught. So they agreed to meet up at a nice hotel and do it there.

Dinah and Normani had arrived at the hotel earlier that evening to set everything up. They had agreed to no role playing and no costumes because that would just be too weird. Dinah had also explicitly stated that no one but her could go near Normani's lady parts down south, Camila and Lauren were happy to agree.

Lauren and Camila reached the door and hesitantly knocked. Soon after they were greeted by an overly happy Normani.

"Hey guys!" She smiled brightly and pulled them into the room with a hug.

"Hey Mani." Lauren replied.

"Hello Mani...Dinah." Camila added.

The four women then just stood there awkwardly in silence. Camila nervously fiddled with her purse, Dinah kept messing with the paper label on the wine bottle and Lauren looked around the room a little anxiously. Normani was sitting on the bed waiting for someone to do or say something.

"Ok so do you guys want something to drink?" Normani finally asked.

"God yes." Camila replied quickly.

Lauren just nodded.

Dinah poured them a drink and topped up her own and Normani's. The four sat randomly around the room just sipping on their wine and avoiding the giant horny elephant in the room about the real reason why they were all there.

Lauren was nervously and silently panicking. This could go really well or really wrong. Just the thought of what they were about to do made her nearly come and she was desperate not to make a fool out of herself.

Camila was also nervous about what they were about to do. Mostly because...well Lauren is the only person she has ever had sex with...ever! She knew what Lauren liked and she knew how to handle her wife's body she had no clue what to do with Normani and Dinah.

Dinah on the other hand had been dreading this day. Sure in theory it sounded like a great idea. I mean who wouldn't want to have sex with three women? But Dinah was just worried that if they do this...would their friendships be forever ruined? She couldn't stand for that. Also secretly..she had to admit that she had always wondered what it would be like to be with Camila...girl had some booty on her.

Normani...well our dear Mani bear was just thinking about the logistics of what was to come. Who was going to be doing what and with whom and for how long? Would they all switch places or not?

It had been a long silent 30 minutes of them all just sitting there drinking their glass of wine when Normani finally spoke up.

"Ok! So...are we going to do this now or later?" She asked.

"Might as well get it over with." Dinah mumbled.

"Yay!" Normani cheered.

"How are we going to do this?" Camila asked.

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