Part 44: Tension

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"Mom you can't forbid me to do this. I'm 25 years old. I'm not a baby." Toby huffed.

"I don't care how old you are. No son of mine will be learning how to shoot people and no son of mine will be out on the streets of New York where he could get shot or stabbed or beaten up!" Lauren yelled.

"Mom I know this is a bit of a shock but I've thought a lot about this. I've talked it over with Maya and it's something that I want to do." Toby argued back.

"Why can't you just stick with the job you've got now? It's safe, it's reliable and it won't end up with me having to burry my son!" Lauren asked getting riled up.

"Mom you're just fixated on one small possibility. There's dangers in all jobs. Even the one I have now. But this...this is something worthwhile. Something I can be proud of. That will make Ella proud so she can tell her friends that her daddy is a brave police officer who helps and protects people every day." Toby replied trying not to get too angry.

"And what will she have to say if her daddy gets killed in an armed robbery or...or gets killed in a car crash while he was chasing some drunken idiot huh? How will she deal with that? Did you even think of her when you made this stupid decision?" Lauren yelled as she subconsciously brought her hand up to her chest getting slightly breathless.

"Of course I did! She's my daughter for fucks sake!" Toby yelled back.

"Ok you two need to calm down." Camila finally intervened standing in between her wife and her son. She did not want them to be yelling at each other and she definitely did not want Lauren to get so riled up that she had another heart attack.

Lauren took a few deep breaths to calm down and moved to sit on the chair while Toby pretty much did the exact same thing. Lauren was not happy about this. She did not want her son to become a cop. She did not want to have to constantly worry about him getting hurt or worse.

" that we've calmed down a little let's try and talk like adults and not scream at each other." Camila broke the silence.

"I'm not ok about this. I think you need to reconsider it." Lauren stated with a stern look to say that she would not be changing her mind anytime soon.

"Well to be honest mom I don't care. I don't need your permission. I'm doing this and if you can't support that then...that's not my problem. I would love to have both my mothers be proud that I'm actually doing something with my life. Doing something that can make a difference." Toby spoke clearly and calmly but with a hint of sadness.

He knew his mothers might not be that happy with his decision because let's be honest his parents were fiercely protective of their children. That's where he got that same trait from. He also got his stubbornness from them too.

"Fine...just don't come crying to me when you end up dead in a ditch somewhere." Lauren snapped before she stood up and stormed out slamming the door behind her.

Toby let out a frustrated sigh as he slumped down in his chair. Camila stood by a little awkwardly. She hadn't really said much since Toby broke the news to them.

"What do you think Ma?" Toby finally asked.

"Well...obviously I share your mother's concerns for your safety. It can be a really dangerous job sometimes Toby and I don't want to lose you...but I am actually extremely proud of you for doing this. I always knew you would do something special with your might have had a few setbacks but...where you are now...I could not be more proud to call you my son." Camila gave him a bright smile.

"Thanks Ma." Toby replied his eyes getting a little watery.

Camila just pulled him up to give him a hug.

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