Part 29: Reconcile

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Normani came back into the Cabello-Jauregui house looking like a sad panda she completely ignored Grace as she walked through the kitchen towards the front door but she was stopped by her wife who immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Mani are you ok?" She asked with concern.

"I'm fine…I just want to go home and have a nice hot shower." Normani answered in her monotone voice.

Dinah didn't believe her she looked over at Grace who was sitting there looking guilty and then Rosie came back inside looking even guiltier and everyone just seemed far too sad after what was a great night.

"Ok what's going on?" Dinah asked the room.

"It's nothing…now let's go home I'm sure Grace and Rosie have things they need to do and so do we." Normani replied.

"Mom." Rosie sighed.

"Camz I told you not to look in that box." Lauren said as she followed Camila into the kitchen.

"Well I told you to get rid of all of those things." Camila added.

The pair stopped when they noticed the weird tension that was going on in the room especially Normani's sad face.

"What's going on?" Lauren asked.

"That's what I want to know." Dinah replied.

"Girls?" Camila asked looking at Rosie and Grace.

The two in question looked at each other and then back at their mothers. They really put themselves in it this time. They both felt terrible especially Grace because she was the one who said something in the first place.

"Ok if someone doesn't say something in the next five seconds I will be handing out some ass kickings so hurry up." Dinah warned.

"Grace and I….we had planned to…go to city hall and elope today." Rosie confessed.

"What?" Camila spoke first her face fell and pretty much matched Normani's sad face.

Dinah and Lauren were sad and shocked too.

"Why?" Dinah asked.

"Because we…we didn't want a big wedding." Grace explained.

"Well why didn't you just say something?" Lauren asked.

"We did…we just…we just wanted to get it over with." Rosie replied.

"Get it over with?" Camila asked a little put off by that.

"Well…yeah. I mean it's not that big a deal we just wanted to get married so we could try and start a family." Rosie replied.

"Not that big a deal? I just…do you know how hard people have fought for us to have the right to get married? You know it wasn't that long ago that the gay and lesbian community were still treated as second class citizens that couldn't even adopt or even get married! Did you even know that your mothers weren't legally married for the first year after their ceremony because it wasn't legal? They had to wait till we got to New York before they could even register as a married couple. My own fathers weren't even legally married till the bill was passed thirty years after they first got together. And you two just wave it off as nothing! Marriage is a big deal!" Camila yelled.

Rosie and Grace just stood there both feeling like 16 year olds again being scolded for something.

"Camz calm down." Lauren spoke softly.

"No…no Lauren they need to hear this. They have had it so easy that they don't even realise it. Sure we didn't have to face that much homophobia and we were lucky but not everyone is and we did live in a very conservative town and even before we got together I had to deal with all that hatred and narrow-mindedness just because I had two dads. And let's not even get into the fact that they were going to do this behind our backs." Camila stated.

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