Part 37: "I really need my wife right now"

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Later that day Rosie found herself sitting in a dark and dank bar downing her sixth drink in the last two hours. After collecting herself she drove out of the hospital and just went as far away as she could before she stumbled across this place and decided that she could just drink away her pain.

She didn't know what to do. She had not planned for something like this to happen. She didn't know how to tell Grace, she didn't know how to tell her parents she just didn't know.

She slammed down her empty drink and demanded a new one. The bartender was hesitant to serve her because someone looking that sad drinking so much in a short amount of time was never good.

"Honey I'm cutting you off." She told Rosie.

"Give me my damn drink!" Rosie slurred.

"No, and if you're gonna start something I'm gonna call the cops." She warned her.

Rosie huffed in frustration and slumped in her chair furiously whipping away the new tears that had begun to fall. The bartender looked on and couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor woman.

"Is there someone I can call for you, to come pick you up?" She softly asked.

Rosie just shook her head. The woman behind the bar noticed Rosie's wedding ring and suggested.

"What about your husband?"

Rosie just shook her head again.

"I don't want Grace right now." She mumbled.

When the bartender looked confused Rosie explained.

"I have a wife. Not a husband."

"Oh...well I'm sure she would be worried about you."

Rosie didn't reply she just grabbed her phone out, pressed a few buttons then slid it over to the woman behind the bar.

"Call her." Rosie instructed.

"Alright." The woman nodded before she picked up the phone and dialled the number.

About half an hour later an annoyed blonde came barging into the bar with a disgusted look of her face the place was a real dive. She quickly scanned the room until she found what she was looking for. Becky marched up to the half passed out woman and demanded to know what the hell is going on.

"Rosie what the hell?" Becky pretty much yelled.

"I needed a drink." Rosie mumbled.

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon." Becky reminded her.

Rosie just shrugged as if to say 'so what?'

"I'm calling Grace." Becky huffed and pulled out her phone.

Rosie moved quickly to take it away from the blonde and shoved it down her top. Becky just looked annoyed.

"Rosie, I will take my phone from your boobs if you don't give it back." Becky told her.

"I don't want Grace right now." Rosie slurred.

"Why? Rosie what is going on?" Becky asked now getting worried.

Rosie was close to tears again by this point. Becky took a seat next to her friend and gently wrapped her arm around her shoulders. Rosie was like Dinah she could get emotional when drunk but right now Becky had never seen her look so sad.

"What happened?" Becky asked.

"I...I c-can't have kids." Rosie broke down as she explained why she couldn't get pregnant.

Becky sat there a little shocked, she felt terrible for her friend. She knew how much Rosie wanted children, how she wanted to be the one to experience pregnancy and have a big family. Becky instantly felt guilty for all the times she had mocked Rosie about being barren while they had their 'fights' or told her she'd be a terrible mother. She didn't believe it at all. She knew without a doubt Rosie would be an excellent parent. It's why she was Max and Cooper's God mother after all. Becky pulled the crying girl into a tight embrace she didn't know what to say at a time like this so she just hoped her presence could be some kind of comfort for Rosie.

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