Part 28: A series of events

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This chapter is a big ass flashback!



After their little thing in the choir room and running away from the rat Lauren was on top of the world because she had kissed Camila Cabello...three times! And Camila liked it and she didn't run away from her. Now all Lauren needed to do was to ask her out on a date and then they would be girlfriends then Camila will fall madly in love with her, they'd get married and have kids and live happily ever after...Lauren had it all planned out.

After informing the janitor about the rat Lauren and Camila walked out of the school and into the car park. They hadn't really said anything about what went down in the choir room but there was a comfortable silence between the two although Lauren was a bag of nerves trying to build herself up to ask Camila out on a proper date. Camila told her that she needed to be wooed and so that is what Lauren was going to do.

"" Lauren stuttered.

"Yes Lauren?"

"I...err...w-well I...was wondering...what with w-what happened in the choir room I thought that maybe you would like to you"

"Lauren just ask me." Camila smiled shyly.

Lauren blushed and nodded.

"Will you...go out on a date with me?" Lauren asked.

"Hmm...Can I think about it?" Camila joked.

Lauren's face fell slightly.

"Oh um...y-yeah sure of course I mean just broke up with Austin I can understand that you would want to wait-"

"Lauren...I was joking." Camila giggled.

"Oh...yeah I knew that." Lauren blushed and tried to play it off.

Camila just bit her lip trying not to laugh at how adorable and nervous Lauren was. It was kind of an ego boost too. That she, Camila Cabello could make the great Lauren Jauregui a nervous wreck.

"So do you want too? G-Go out with me?" Lauren asked.

Camila smiled and nodded.

"I would love to."

The smile on Lauren's face had never been more wide and bright than it was right now. On the inside Lauren was doing her happy dance.

When she got home that afternoon she actually did her happy dance. She had kissed the girl she loved and asked her out and she said yes! Now she just has to think of the most awesomest date ever.

Lauren had it all planned out the date would be fucking awesome the only trouble was...Lauren was fucking nervous. Her palms were all sweaty and she couldn't stop shaking. Her heart was beating like a sledgehammer and she really needed to pee. But she couldn't because she was standing outside the Cabello household trying to gain the courage to ring the god damn doorbell.

After daring herself to just do it already Lauren quickly pressed the button and it was done. She held her breath and waited. After what felt like forever but really wasn't, a tall man opened the door and looked down at her.

"H-Hello...Mr. Cabello I um...Is Camila home?" Lauren muttered.

"Yes." He replied not showing any emotion.

Lauren gulped. She and Camila had been friends for a while now and regularly spent time over each other's houses to hang out or do homework together but Diego; Camila's dad always scared Lauren for some reason. There was no need really because he was actually a soft teddy bear but he liked to play the part of the scary father sometimes. Now that Lauren was going out on a date with his daughter Lauren felt the need to seek his approval.

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