Part 32: Missing you

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Camila sat with Diego as they waited in the hospital waiting room. Leonardo had just been taken in for his surgery. Everyone seemed really positive about it all. The doctors and nurses told them that it was a simple procedure and now a days there was a very high rate of survival and a full recovery. Leonardo himself had always been a positive thinker much like Camila. Diego was more hard headed and he tried not to let it show that he was still worried about his husband.

Camila had grown to really despise hospitals. She had been in them far too many times in the last few months. So sitting there waiting for her dad to come back out was a little daunting for the poor woman. Diego reached over and gently took her hand into his own. Camila just smiled gently at her dad.

"Sorry for being a bit fidgety." She mumbled.

"It's fine sweetheart."

"It's just...a lot of people who I love have been in hospital lately and I just don't like it." Camila replied.

"I understand...I wish we were there for you when Lauren had her heart attack. I'm nervous as hell right now...god knows how you managed through that." Diego spoke softly.

Camila chuckled and shook her head.

"Trust me...I didn't. I was a second away from completely losing it. I don't think I have ever been more terrified in my life...if it weren't for Dinah and Mani I would have fallen apart." Camila admitted.

"If I had lost her...I...I don't think I would have survived that." Camila added truthfully.

Diego nodded in understanding then reached over to gently wipe away the few tears that had fallen down his daughter's cheeks. Camila chuckled at her being all emotional.


Diego just shook his head telling her not to be sorry.

"He's going to be fine." Diego told her...and himself reassuring them both.

Camila nodded then cuddled up to her father's side.

After some time Leonardo's doctor came out to tell them that the surgery had gone well and that Leonardo was up in recovery.

"Can we see him?" Diego asked.

"Of course...he'll be a little groggy and will most likely just want to sleep but I'm sure he will be happy to see you both." The doctor replied with a kind smile.

"Thank you doctor." Diego shook his hand.

"Happy to help." He replied with a nod.

Diego and Camila soon headed up to see Leonardo. Like the doctor said he was pretty tired and was fast asleep when they reached his room. Diego leant over to kiss his husband on the forehead before he sat beside his bed and took his hand into his own. Camila did the same taking his other hand before she sent a quick text message to her family telling them that her dad was out of surgery.


Lauren sat there alone in her living room eyes glues to the TV as she shoved some fat free tasteless saltless popcorn into her mouth.

"Cordelia Chase, what did she wish for?"

"I had no idea her wish would be so exciting. Brave new world. I hope she likes it"

Lauren just sat there enthralled with what was playing out in front of her even though she had seen this episode like a million times. It still amazed her...that was how Charlie had found her mother when she came home that day. The young girl took one look at the TV and just rolled her eyes and sent a text to her Ma.

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