Part 2: Girls night

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~~~ Cabello-Jauregui House ~~~

After that rather embarrassing moment at the doctors Lauren was taken back home and ordered to rest and not to do any strenuous activity.

"I'm bored." Lauren sighed.

"Read something then." Camila replied.

"No because all my books have graphic sex scenes and I'm not allowed to have sex." Lauren pouted.

Not really seeing the connection Camila suggested something else.

"Well watch a movie then."

"No...I'm not in the mood." Lauren sighed again.

"Well then I don't know."

"How about you give me a sponge bath." Lauren suggested with a grin.

" are quite capable to get up and have a shower. The doctor told you so." Camila replied.

"Yeah way would be better."

"Alright but don't get mad at me when you get sexually frustrated and can't do anything about it because the doctor told you, No sex for a month." Camila warned her.

"He didn't say a month."

"Well that's my diagnosis."

Lauren looked horrified.

"You're going to deny me sex for a whole month! Why?" Lauren whined.

"Because I want your back to heal properly." Camila simply replied.

"Camz baby that's sweet and all but I can't go a whole month without sex."

"Well there's a first for everything." Camila smiled.

"You're kidding right?" Lauren asked desperately.

Camila just smirked and got up to take the empty glass to the kitchen.

"Camz?...Camz?...Camila!" Lauren yelled after her wife who walked out giggling to herself.

~~~ Jane-Hamilton House ~~~

It was a bright sunny day outside. Normani and Dinah were sat in the kitchen happily sipping on their morning coffee, while Ben was still sleeping.

"Dinah there's something I want to talk to you about." Normani broke the serenity.

"What's up?" Dinah asked.

"Well...I...please don't get offended and this is not a jab at your um...your age because obviously I'm older than you b-but um...I was thinking that maybe we should invest in some...KY Jelly, because last night you were a little...dry." Normani mumbled.

Dinah's jaw dropped, mortified would be a fitting word right about now. Normani chewed on her bottom lip waiting for her wife to say or do something.

Dinah and her age was a touchy subject. It was the end of the world when she turned 50. Normani being the eldest out of the foursome had taken turning 50 in her stride, Lauren was the second to turn 50 and she did not take it well but Dinah...Dinah was still in denial, in her world she was still in her late 20's at best she was no way a 50 year old woman who needed KY Jelly because she was 'drying up!'

"Dinah?" Normani asked when Dinah hadn't said anything for the last ten minutes.

"I'm not old!" Dinah finally yelled before she stood up and stormed out of the kitchen.

Normani sighed and decided not to bring up the fact she found another grey hair on the pillow that morning.

~~~ The Vardy Residence ~~~

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