Part 4: familar faces

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~~~ Jane-Hamilton Residence ~~~

Rosie slumped down onto the couch next to her mother who was going over some papers for work or more specifically the Vardy Divorce papers ones that Becky still hasn't signed. Rosie let out a loud and heavy sigh. Dinah placed the paper work on her lap and turned to face her daughter.

"Ok what's up your ass today? Still traumatised by seeing your Aunty's snatch?" She asked.

When Rosie didn't respond and just looked like a sad panda Dinah asked again but in a kinder way.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Grace and I are fighting." Rosie mumbled.

Dinah sighed…seriously these two have had so much dyke drama it's  just not funny if Dinah could be bothered she could probably take their lives, write a TV script and probably would have a trophy case fully of Emmys by now.

"What's the fight about?" She asked.

"Well…it's not so much a fight its more…she refuses to talk." Rosie replied.

"Yeah because that makes so much sense." Dinah replied sarcastically.

"I want kids…I want a family." Rosie stated.

"Yeah and?"

"Grace doesn't." Rosie replied sadly.

Dinah looked surprised.

"She said that?"

"She doesn't have to, it's painfully obvious whenever the topic of kids come up she freezes and changes the topic or leaves the room. We got Beth's baby shower invitation and she wouldn't even talk about it. Then last night I told her that I wanted a family with her and she got out of bed and slept in the spare room." Rosie rambled getting more upset.

Once again Dinah was surprised.

"Maybe you should talk to her about this." Dinah suggested.

"I tried."

"Then try again and make her listen. Rosie if this is important to you, you have to talk to her about it."

"But what if…Ma…I want this, I've always wanted to have a family and I will never change my mind about that…but…if Grace doesn't want that…how can we…how can we stay together when we want different things? What if this destroys us?" Rosie asked.

Dinah looked just as worried as Rosie did.

~~~ Cabello-Jauregui House ~~~

Grace found her mother outside by the pool sitting on one of the deck chairs reading one of her books. She had her ice-tea sitting next to her with a bowl of strawberries as well…what? It was her day off and she wanted to spend it being a lazy bum relaxing by the pool.

"Hey mom." Grace sighed as she sat on the chair next to her mother.

"Oh hi Gracie." Lauren replied but didn't take her eyes off her book.

"Mom can we talk about something?" Grace asked.

"Sure…what's up sweetie?" Lauren replied.

"Mom put the book down this is serious." Grace pouted.

Lauren sighed; she placed her bookmark in between the pages then placed it on the table next to her.

"Ok you have my undivided attention. What's up?" Lauren asked.

"Rosie wants kids." Grace blurted out.

Lauren's face lit up her and Camila had been wondering when they would start their own family. But Grace didn't seem to reciprocate Lauren's excitement.

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