Part 48: Joys Of Pregnancy

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Grace wandered into her parents house sipping away at her cherry flavoured icy drink. She didn't know why but she had been craving slushies all week. Grace headed to the kitchen to find her mothers and to see if they had anything good to eat. Her moms weren't there but there was like a whole stash of mint Milano's hidden right up on the top shelf. She assumes her mother put them there because her Ma and Charlie were too small to reach that high and so they wouldn't find them. Grace just chuckled at her mom's sneaky ways and then laughed because she was thinking about the look on her mom's face when she realises her cookies are gone!

Grace wasn't usually a big eater but ever since Rosie knocked her up she just couldn't stop. She was terrified of becoming one of those women who never lose the weight after giving birth and by the rate she was going she was sure she'd look hideous when this was all done. Grace wasn't a vain person but she liked keeping her body trim and she missed her rock hard abs. She missed her feet too. Her baby bump had grown now that she was 30 weeks with two cabbages living inside her belly.

With a heavy sigh and popping the last cookie into her mouth she decided to head into the living room. She could faintly hear the TV so she figured her moms would be in there.

Grace came into the room to find Toby on the couch, beer in hand and a bag of chips in the other. Grace walked over to him and stood in front of her brother who was trying to watch TV and with a pout she asked him if he thought she looked fat.

Toby, kinda annoyed by being interrupted when he was watching the game obviously wasn't thinking clearly. He had just got back from the academy and was tired. He just wanted to relax. Maya was out at her new job and Ella was at day care this was his only time to sit and do nothing. He couldn't be bothered to deal with his crazy pregnant sister and her body issues.

"Like a whale." He replied dryly then gently nudged her out of his way with his foot.

Grace stood there completely horrified...she was practically lactating with rage. So she did what any normal person did...she got her sweet revenge. She stormed out of the living room only to come back several moments later and threw her freezing cold slushy into his face. Toby screamed like a little girl and swore like a sailor as he floundered about trying to get the icy cold drink off of himself. Lauren and Camila came rushing into the living room after hearing a girl scream, but realized it was only their son.

"What the hell is going on?" Lauren asked.

"She threw a slushy at me!" Toby yelled in a high voice and pointed in anger.

He looked a little ridiculous with the icy drink dripping down his face in fact he kind of resembled a drowned rat.

"He said I was as fat as a whale!" Grace yelled back.

"Ok first of all you two need to stop acting like children. You're grown adults for crying out loud. Second of all Toby don't call your sister fat. She's not fat she's with child...two as a matter of fact. And Grace we do not throw frozen beverages at people! Not in this house!" Camila yelled with her big scary mom voice.

Grace and Toby stood there like two little kids who were just scolded.

"Now...Toby go clean yourself up and Grace you can clean up this mess." Camila instructed.

"But Ma!" Grace whined.

"No buts! Just do it." Camila demanded.

"Ha ha." Toby snickered.

Grace just punched him in the arm...hard making him cry out in pain.

"Ow! Ma! She just punched me!" Toby whined.

"Enough!" Camila yelled.

Toby quickly left the room flicking Grace's ear before he left while Grace tried to kick him but missed, she looked up to see both her mothers glaring at her so she quickly headed to the laundry to get some stuff to clean up the mess.

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