Part 38: Dance with me

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Rosie and Grace spent that morning just lying together in Grace's old bedroom. Rosie had herself curled up to her wife's side while Grace had her arms wrapped around her. They had been like this for a good long while. Neither one had spoken since Rosie posed the question of what to do now. Grace didn't know the answer to that so she just pulled her wife up onto the bed and held her. Something she probably should have done last night.

Downstairs Camila and Lauren stood by the staircase as they not so subtly listened in on their conversation. They were kind of expecting yelling and doors slamming like they usually would when Grace and Rosie fought but this time there was nothing. They couldn't hear a thing.

"You don't think they' know?" Lauren hesitantly asked.

"No...we'd know trust me. Our daughter is not quiet." Camila scoffed.

Lauren nodded in agreement. Then sighed when it seemed like they wouldn't be getting anything out of them about what the argument was about.

Grace gently stroked her fingers through Rosie's dark hair while she held her. Rosie had her head resting on Grace's chest listening to her heartbeat it was soothing.

Charlie came downstairs to find her parents in the kitchen finishing off cleaning the dishes from breakfast.

"You're up late." Camila commented.

It wasn't very often Charlie slept in.

"I know...I was up late last night and was tired." Charlie yawned.

"Up late doing what?" Lauren asked suspiciously when she noticed a reddish mark on her daughter's neck that wasn't there yesterday.

" stuff." Charlie replied vaguely as she moved around to get something to eat.

Lauren just narrowed her eyes while Camila tried not to laugh.

Grace and Rosie had shifted a little and were now laying down face to face sharing the same pillow with their hands clasped together between their bodies. Rosie just looked so sad. It was such a foreign look for her. She was usually always so happy or mischievous she always had that wicked glint in her eye but right now none of that showed. Grace felt bad for how last night turned out. She regrets not staying and working things out. She should have been there for her wife when she clearly needed her. She let her down and Grace wasn't sure she would forgive herself for that. Even though what Rosie had said hurt, it hurt a lot but deep down Grace knew Rosie didn't mean it she was just reacting the only way she knew how to, a situation she wasn't prepared to face.

Grace reached over to gently wipe the few tears away from Rosie's cheeks and then shuffled a little more closer to her wife. Their noses were almost touching by now.

"Do you want to talk about this with your moms?" Grace softly asked.

Rosie just shook her head.

"What do you want to do?" Grace then asked.

"I just want to have a family." Rosie softly replied.

Grace pulled her wife into a hug and kissed her temple.

"I know you do...and we will. Somehow we will." Grace told her.

Rosie didn't reply.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you last night." Grace mumbled.

Rosie didn't say anything she just tightened her arms around her wife.

"I should have been there with you instead of running away. You're right...I am selfish." Grace sadly mumbled.

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