Part 34: Bad news

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Normani woke up the next morning with a headache and an empty bed, which just made her sad. With a heavy sigh she thought back to last night and her argument with Dinah. She hated it when they fought it just didn't seem normal for them to be mad at each other. Thinking about it now Normani felt bad for probably overreacting and all this could have been avoided.

Normani slowly got out of bed and headed downstairs to find her wife sprawled out on the couch fast asleep. Her arms and legs were hanging off the side of the sofa, she had her mouth wide open as she snored and there was even some drool. It wasn't exactly a pretty sight but Normani couldn't help but love her.

Normani made her way over to her wife pulling the blanket up around her shoulders and moved her limbs back onto the couch before she headed into the kitchen to make some coffee.

Dinah woke herself up by her loud snoring and seemed a little confused as to why she was in the living room but then it soon came back to her. She had come home late that night after her argument with Normani. She was still in a bad mood so she decided to just sleep on the couch.

Dinah could smell the wonderful aroma of coffee floating in the air so she dragged herself up off the couch and made her way into the kitchen. Normani was standing by the counter waiting for the toaster to give her, her toast. As soon as Dinah entered the room there was a thick tension that surrounded them. The blonde cautiously made her way over to the coffee pot and poured herself a drink while Normani focused on her breakfast.

"Do you want some toast?" Normani asked quietly.

"No thanks." Dinah mumbled as she stood awkwardly by the stove.

There was a long silence after that. Both women wanted to stop this silliness but they weren't sure how to take that first step.

"Normani...I'm sorry about last night." Dinah mumbled.

She placed her mug down and slowly made her way over to her wife standing closely behind her.

"I'm sorry for working so much and being bitchy. We both said some stuff and we both got hurt...can we please just put this behind us?" Dinah added.

Normani turned around to face her wife. Dinah frowned because she just looked like a sad panda.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you last night." She quietly muttered.

"I may have deserved it...a little." Dinah gave her a little smile.

" I was being mean and I shouldn't have called you a bitch." Normani replied.

"That was pretty harsh." Dinah agreed.

Normani nodded sadly.

"Mani...I love you and I don't like it when we're like this." Dinah sighed.

"I don't like it either."

Normani took hold of her wife's hands and gently pulled her in close till they were in each other's personal space. Dinah rested her forehead against Normani's and pulled their joined hands up to rest on her chest.

"Can we stop fighting now?" Dinah asked softly.

Normani just nodded. Dinah gave her a small smile and then placed a tender kiss to her wife's lips. Normani pulled back a little confusing Dinah.

"You've got a little drool." Normani giggled as she wiped Dinah's chin.

Dinah looked away feeling slightly embarrassed and annoyed that their awesome romantic moment of reconciliation was ruined. Normani just smiled and gently turned her face back so she could kiss her wife properly.

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