Part 53: Lullaby

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After a very long night and early morning the four new grandmothers sat around a table in the hospital cafeteria drinking horrible coffee and basking in the awesomeness of the birth of Isabella and Nina Jane-Jauregui. They had just come down from seeing them giving all four some time to rest until the rush of visitors that were all ready to come see the two most gorgeous babies ever.

"Ugh this coffee tastes like shit." Dinah grumbled.

"Yeah we'll this decaf crap is like mud...actually I'm pretty sure it is mud." Lauren muttered looking down at what should be a liquid drink but it had lumps in it and it was freaking the woman out.

"Mines fine." Normani smiled.

"That's because you have chocolate milk Normani." Dinah replied.

Normani just smiled and went back to her milk.

"Does anybody want mine? I'm not even sure they put soy milk in it." Camila frowned.

No one offered to take it.

"Ok so we agree that we should get the first babysitting gig-" Dinah went back to what they were talking about.

"Um no we didn't. You just assumed you would. Why should we have to wait?" Lauren interrupted.

"Because you've already been grandmothers for centuries. These are Mani's and mine's first grandchildren." Dinah replied with a scowl.

"So! They came out of my daughter." Lauren argued.

"They have Jane DNA!" Dinah counter argued.

"Ladies please do not cause a scene." Camila begged.

"Why can't we just have one each?" Normani suggested to keep the peace.

"No Mani it's all or nothing. You can't just split them up. What if they turn her against us?" Dinah replied irrationally.

Normani just rolled her eyes and went back to her milk.

"Oh like you won't try that yourself. I saw you talking to them and then looking over at me and giggling." Lauren accused.

"We were just talking about how saggy your boobs are." Dinah smirked.

"They aren't saggy! Camz tell her!" Lauren yelled.

Camila just rolled her eyes.

"Hey isn't that, that guy who drove Gracie to the hospital?" Normani spoke up and pointed.

They all turned to see what Normani was talking about and sure enough there was Frankie standing by the front desk with what looked like a small bouquet of flowers. Lauren was not amused. She was about to get up but Camila beat her to it and gave her a pointed look. Dinah and Normani watched their friends as they had a silent conversation between themselves and couldn't help but notice the sudden mood shift. After a final nod from Lauren, Camila moved towards Frankie to quickly speak to him.

"Frankie?" Camila approached the man.

He turned to face her with a small smile.

"Camila hi."

"What are you doing here?" She carefully asked.

The two hadn't really spoken since that small confrontation way back when Charlie first got the role. While backstage after the show Camila had avoided him.

"Oh um...I...I know it's probably really none of my business but I...I came to...these are for your daughter. I assume she had her baby by now." He replied as he handed the flowers to her.

Camila was a little taken back by his sincerity and by the gesture.

"Y-Yes she did...twice actually. Twin girls." Camila couldn't help but smile at the thought of her grandchildren.

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