Part 51: Telenovela

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It was Rosie's day off from the hospital and she was going to enjoy it. She loved her work though she still hated working in the emergency room. Lucky for her though she didn't have to be down there that often mostly she was up in the Women's and Children's ward of the hospital working with the obstetricians and paediatric surgeons. She knew that working with pregnant women on a daily basis probably didn't help her situation but it's what she wanted to do it was her career and she wasn't going to ruin it because of her issues.

Rosie had done a lot of thinking since her talk with Beth. She knew what the Beth told her was the truth, that just because she couldn't physically have children doesn't make her less of a woman and it wasn't as if she couldn't have any biological children because Gracie was carry two right now. That was the other thing, Grace was pregnant, they were going to have a family and she needed to focus on that and not about her disappointment and anger because Beth was right. Being pregnant was only nine months but being a mother was forever.

Rosie was lounging around in her living room flipping through the channels on the TV looking for something to watch for the next few hours because Grace was at work even though she pretty much just sat in her little golf buggy and drove around the field yelling through her bullhorn at her soccer team. Rosie visited her once for lunch and couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her wife looking like a little dictator with her pregnant belly as she yelled at her girls. Although Rosie was given the silent treatment that afternoon because Grace saw her laughing at her.

Things between Grace and Rosie had been better though since Rosie talked with Beth which was definitely a plus. Rosie was more willing to talk to her wife about her feelings and Grace was super supportive and just listened to her and made her feel loved like she always did.

Unfortunately there wasn't anything good on TV so she ended up turning it off and grabbed something to read but before she could even do that there was a knock at the front door.

Dinah stood patiently as she waited for her daughter to answer. She was so not looking forward to this. Dinah and Rosie very rarely do deep and meaningfuls. This is what Normani is for! But Dinah promised her wife she would talk to their eldest child and make sure she was ok. Finally there was some movement behind the door and Rosie appeared with a confused look on her face.

"Ma? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well gee it's nice to see you too Rosie." Dinah rolled her eyes.

"It's always nice to see me." Rosie shrugged.

"Rosie we need to talk." Dinah sighed.

"About what?"

"Can you let me in and I'll tell you?" Dinah asked. Her voice serious but also calm and soothing.

Rosie hesitated for a moment she had a bad feeling that this wasn't just a casual visit. She finally stepped aside and let her mother in. They headed to the living room both taking a seat. Dinah placed herself next to her daughter. Not too close to crowd her but not too far to alienate her either.

"What's this about? Is...has something happened? Is it mom? Is she ok?" Rosie asked rapidly as all these different possibilities popped into her head.

It's not every day her ma would want to talk about something serious.

"She's fine. Everyone is ok. It's nothing like that." Dinah quickly reassured her.

"Well then...what's with being all serious? It's freaking me out."

"Rosie we can have serious conversations." Dinah sighed sadly.

" we don't. We insult each other and then mom comes and does the rest. I think the last time we had a serious conversation it was you telling me that mom had cancer...and I was like four." Rosie replied.

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