Part 49 : Sleepovers

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Pretty much since it was confirmed that Grace was pregnant Rosie had been doing a lot of reading about how to be a good mom. She was looking forward to all the special moments and she just didn't want to be a crappy mom. She didn't want to disappoint her kids so she got as many books about parenting as she could. Rosie knew deep down she was only doing this to keep her mind off of the bigger issue about the pregnancy, the fact that she wasn't the one carrying their baby. She knew she was pushing those thoughts down and refusing to acknowledge them as much as possible. She just didn't know how it was becoming more and more obvious to those around her, more specifically her wife.

They had started going to their Lamaze classes together once Grace hit six months. Grace had refused to go to their second class after having to watch a real life birth in the first lesson the poor girl was horrified. But Rosie managed to get her to agree to keep going and after a while Grace warmed up to the classes and found it kind of helpful. They were put into a class of twelve and all were expecting twins. Grace and Rosie were the only same-sex couple there but that didn't really matter the other couples were pretty friendly and they could all have a laugh well except for one couple, Rob and Lara they were very snobby and did not have a sense of humour at all.

Their instructor was a very bubbly lady. Debbie was middle aged and was one of those people who was just always happy. She was always smiling it was nice...creepy, but nice. Today's lesson was all about the joys of being pregnant and the special bonds a mother and their unborn children form during the nine months.

Debbie had split the groups up during a task she had set. The mommies were on one side of the room and the daddies were on the other side. Rosie had never felt so uncomfortable and angry than she did during that moment. Grace could tell her wife was not enjoying this in the least but she never said a word she just made her way over to the expecting fathers table and slumped into a chair. Their task was to write down all the things they were looking forward to after their child is born and share these things with the group.

As their groups worked together Grace couldn't help but look over to see how Rosie was holding up. If things were how they should be it would have been Grace sitting with the guys. Normally Grace hated being put in the role as the 'guy' of her relationship with Rosie. But she would have been more comfortable and happy to be sitting with them during this class than Rosie. Rosie was very much a girly girl and Grace knew how much she did not like to be placed with the fathers during these small tasks. It was like a constant reminder that Rosie was not a 'real woman' because she couldn't have kids; of course Rosie never told Grace that this was how she felt. With a heavy sigh Grace glanced one more time at her wife before turning back to face her group.

Most of the fathers had come up with similar things that they were looking forward to once their partners gave birth. The most common thing were not having to deal with a hormonal wife anymore. After hearing all of their suggestions Rosie was a little hesitant to share hers.

"Come on Rosie we all said ours." Randy prodded her.

He was a nice guy, very tall and well-built; him and his wife would have very good looking children. The other guys cheered her on until she finally gave and told them what she was looking forward to after her children were born.

"I...I just want them to be proud of me." Rosie quietly mumbled.

The five other men just sat there a little awed by what Rosie had said and some even felt a little guilty for not taking the task seriously.

The rest of the class went pretty well once the couples could come back together. It was all fine and dandy until it came to the last twenty minutes and Debbie brought out the Empathy Belly for the fathers to wear so they could feel what it's like to be pregnant and know what it is their partners have to experience on a daily basis. Of course it wasn't exactly like the real thing but it was as close as they would get. When it came to her turn Rosie flat out refused to wear it and walked out of the class. Grace apologised for her wife before she went after her as quickly as her pregnant body would take her.

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