Part 8: Road To Recovery

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Hannah and Becky had fallen asleep together on the couch that night after they cried themselves to sleep. The next morning was slightly awkward as they fumbled to put their tops back on. Becky struggled the most because Hannah had ripped her shirt last night so she ended up wearing one of Hannah's hoddies instead.

While Hannah took a quick shower Becky made some coffee and called the sitter to ask how the boys were and that they will pick them up soon.

Hannah finally wandered into the kitchen and Becky handed her, her coffee.

"Thanks." She mumbled.

They sat there in silence both thinking about what had happened last night.

"Han...we need to talk...about last night and about everything." Becky softly spoke.

"I know...Bec...What I said last night..."

Becky held her breath. She wasn't sure if she could handle any more rejection from her wife. If she took it back now Becky didn't know how she would handle that.

"I meant it...I miss you." Hannah finished.

Becky sighed in relief.

"I miss you much." Becky replied.

"I don't know where to go from here." Hannah admitted.

"I don't know either."

"All I know is that...seeing Lauren in that hospital bed and watching Camila break down like that...I...I couldn't put myself in her shoes because if that were you...if it was you on that hospital bed I couldn't...I can't lose you Becky." Hannah mumbled.

"Han I know what I did was horrible...there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about the pain that I caused. I let myself get pulled into that bitches web and I hate myself for doing that to you...and the boys." Becky replied.

"So what do we do?" Hannah asked.

"We do this...we talk, we get everything out in the open...maybe start over with a clean slate." Becky replied.

"Becky I told you I miss you but I don't know...I want to be able to forgive trust you again. To let you back in but it's's so hard because it hurts so much." Hannah told her.

"Do you still love me?" Becky asked.

Hannah looked over at the blonde sitting next to her, for the first time that morning their eyes finally met each other's.

"Yes...I never stopped. I'll always love you Becky." Hannah replied.

Becky hesitantly brought her hand up to Hannah's cheek to wipe away the lone tear that had begun to fall. The brunette leant into her wife's touch.

"Spend the day with us." Hannah whispered.


"When we go pick up the boys...stay...I want you to stay...just for today so we can just all be together." Hannah explained.

"I'd love to." Becky smiled brightly.

"But first I need to have a talk with Grace." She added.

"How come?"

"I...I was a bitch to her the other day and I need to apologize." Becky said sadly.

"Ok...Well I'll drop you off at your place, you go talk to Grace while I pick the boys up, then meet back here for lunch." Hannah said.

"Deal." Becky smiled.


Hannah had just dropped Becky off at her apartment. The blonde hadn't been this happy in a long while. Things with Hannah were starting to finally look good.

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