Part 5: Accusations

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~~~ High School ~~~

Becky sat there at her desk that last comment from Valerie going over and over in her head. What the hell did it mean? Valerie didn't even know who Hannah was, they had never met and Becky had never told Hannah who she slept with because Hannah didn't want to know.

Becky got up from her desk and went to go find her answers because there was something going on here.

The angry blonde slammed Valerie's classroom door closed after she entered the empty room. The redhead jumped slightly at the sound but she couldn't help but smirk when she saw Becky.

"Changed your mind then?" She asked.

"What did you mean?" Becky asked.

"What are you talking about?" She played dumb.

"Don't. Just tell me, what did you mean?" Becky hissed.

Valerie just shrugged her shoulders Becky was silently seething at this point.

"Did you sleep with my wife?" Becky asked.

"I don't kiss and tell." Valerie smirked.

"I swear to god Valerie I will kick your ass, just fucking tell me!" Becky yelled.

"Fine you wanna know? I'll tell you. Yea...yeah I fucked your wife. We met at a club, and then met up at her place afterwards and we fucked each other all night long. Which now that I think about it, it was probably in your bed." Valerie told her with a hint of glee.

Becky was furious at this point and so she did the only logical thing to do at a time like this...she slapped her...hard.

Valerie just let out a small chuckle.

"You think your marriage is worth saving now? Your wife doesn't care Becky. She's the one who can't get rid of you quick enough. As soon as you told her she kicked you out. She's the one who wants a divorce and she's the one who's moving on. Maybe you should do the same." Valerie sneered.

"And you think I'd want you?" Becky asked trying not to cry.

"We go well together felt it that night you can't deny that."

"You were a lousy fuck. I felt nothing that night." Becky taunted.

"That's shit and you know it. That was the best you've ever had." Valerie smirked.

"I don't know what kind of sick game you're trying to play here but know this I will never touch you ever again. Even if me and Hannah are over I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. You're nothing but trash." Becky hissed.

"Yeah but you're the one who likes to roll in it." Valerie quickly replied.

Becky just glared at her then stormed out of the classroom.

Becky was ten seconds away from totally losing her shit so she grabbed her keys told the front desk that she was going home sick and then got into her car and drove.

Hannah was sitting at her desk finishing off a customer's flight bookings when a very angry and upset Becky stormed into the travel agent startling everyone in there.

"Hannah we need to talk." Becky demanded.

"Becky what the hell?" Hannah looked shocked.

"We can do this here or in the office I don't care." Becky was pretty much at boiling point.

Hannah stood up and grabbed Becky by the arm and dragged her to the back office she was not a happy little Vegemite as bright as bright can be. Even though she enjoys her Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea.

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