Part 24: "I'm fucking you tonight"

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Normani and Dinah were sitting comfortably out the back with a glass of wine each as they cuddled up together and watched the sun set. Normani didn't know where all this romance was coming from but she was not going to complain. Dinah had been the perfect wife lately and Normani just could not believe how lucky she was. After watching that college sex tape of Lauren and Camila it made Normani do a lot of thinking...mostly about their past and everything that has happened in their lives. All the good and all the bad. She often wondered what her life would be like if she had never met Dinah and all she could think of was that she would have led a very unhappy and unfulfilling life. Nothing could or would change her mind when it came to Dinah. She knew it from the day they first met that they were soul mates and they were just meant to be.

Normani snuggled up close to her wife who was gently running her fingers through her hair. Dinah every now and then would place a few kisses to her wife's head just because she could.

"This is really nice." Normani mumbled.


"You've been super romantic lately...I like it."

"That's because I'm awesome." Dinah softly giggled.

"Best wife ever." Normani agreed.

"Oh I almost forgot I got a text from Jack earlier today." Dinah said as she grabbed out her phone.

"What did he have to say for himself?"

"Apparently Austin died in a freak accident...he was off in some jungle somewhere with the army and was attacked by a newly discovered vicious tribe of warrior women." Dinah replied.

Normani just laughed.

"Wait really?" She asked.

Dinah just nodded.

"Huh...does Lauren and Mila know?" Normani asked.

"Yep...we um...Lauren and i we shared a few drinks in um...his memory." Dinah replied suspiciously.

- Flashback -

Lauren popped the cork of a very expensive bottle of Champaign and cheered along with Dinah who held up two glasses for Lauren to pour the alcohol in.

- End of Flashback -

"Well I'm just glad my children never joined the army...I would be constantly worrying about their safety." Normani mumbled.

"I know...I don't think I could handle that." Dinah agreed.

"Did Jack say anything else?"

"Not really...just same old, same old. He's hoping to be back for Christmas to finally visit Beth and baby Dave but he isn't sure yet." Dinah replied.

"Well I hope he can make it. It's been ages since we saw him."

Their little bubble of awesomeness was then broken when Ben came out of the house holding a knitted blanket that Milika had made for Dinah when she was younger.

"Hey moms, figured you might be getting a little cold so here." Ben smiled as he wrapped the blanket around them.

"Aw thanks're too sweet." Normani smiled brightly.

"Thanks son, hey are you going out tonight or staying in?" Dinah asked.

"I'm heading out soon I'm meeting up with Daisy." He replied.

"Alright well have fun." His Ma smiled.

Ben nodded then went back inside to get ready. Normani and Dinah snuggled in even closer if that was possible. Dinah leaned in and quickly kissed her wife on the nose making Normani giggle.

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