Part 43 : New Beginnings

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16 Days Later

Grace sat nervously with Rosie in their bedroom as they waited for the timer of the blood test to go off. These days you could just buy a simple machine over the counter that was similar to what diabetics use to test their blood sugar levels. Only this one let's you know without a doubt if you are pregnant or not. It is more efficient than peeing on a stick.

It was a nerve wracking 15 minutes as they waited for either a green light or a red one. Green meant that they were pregnant and red meant that they weren't.

The two weeks after the insemination were kinda strange for Grace. She didn't know what it was but she just felt different...maybe she was just nervous she wasn't really sure. Rosie had been on edge the whole time and fussing over Grace like she was made out of glass and would break any minute. Rosie was not opposed to keeping her wife in a huge plastic bubble for the remainder of the whole pregnancy. At first Grace just found it kind of adorable but she could see herself getting annoyed with it sooner rather than later.

They sat closely together on their bed with only two minutes left until they knew. Rosie grabbed Grace's hand she could feel how nervous Rosie was right now because her palms were a little clammy and she could feel the slight trembling in her wife's hands.

Grace hadn't really let herself think too much about it for the last two weeks. She didn't want to freak herself out over nothing so she pushed most of these thoughts back and just continued to do things as per usual. Though she was more careful in what she did and she stopped drinking coffee and ate more healthy if that was even possible. Gracie was kinda a health freak sometimes.

"Don't get disappointed if it doesn't work the first time ok?" Rosie spoke up after nearly going 15 minutes without saying a word.

Grace just nodded. She knew Rosie only really said that to herself.

Soon enough the little timer went off indicating that the results were in. Both women held their breath both unable to move and take those few steps to the machine and see what it said.

"I don't know if I can look." Grace quietly admitted.

Rosie nodded.

"Me either."

"S-Should we just...on the count of three we just...get up and...and look together?" Grace suggested.

"Ok...on three." Rosie nervously spoke.

"One." Grace started counting.

"Two." Rosie added.

"Three." They both said together before they pulled each other to stand up.

They hesitantly took a few steps over to the dressing table where the tester sat. Rosie carefully reached out to pick it up. Her eyes were scrunched closed. Grace on the other hand had her eyes wide open and could clearly see what the results were. She gently nudged her wife to get her to look. Rosie carefully cracked one eye open and hesitantly looked down only to find a single green light flashing in front of her.

What came next was a lot of screaming, a lot of tears and a lot of sex because little Gracie Jane-Jauregui was pregnant.


Becky woke her wife up that morning with an overload of good morning kisses. Hannah just giggled and accepted them with glee. Today was Hannah's 27th birthday and Becky had been looking forward to today for a long time. After everything they had been through they needed a break and a birthday was definitely a good excuse to have some fun and not think about all the bad stuff that's happened.

"Happy birthday babe." Becky smiled softly at her.

The blonde was slightly excited because she couldn't wait to give Hannah her birthday gift.

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