Part 15: Halloween

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The last few days Toby was glad to see Maya go back to her normal self. She didn't look so distant and withdrawn. It was like the last couple of weeks never happened. But in the back of his mind it was constantly there. He really didn't know what to do. If what he thought was happening was true then he would in no doubt beat the shit out of Alex. But until he had substantial proof or if Maya told him what was happening then he would just have to bide his time.

Toby, Maya and little Ella were currently up at the ranch with the animals. Ella was helping to brush the pony's tail and mane. She had taken a real liking to horses which was good but also a very expensive hobby. They had been spending quite a lot of time up there as it seemed to relax Maya and she just seemed happier there so Toby didn't mind going and Ella always had fun so it was a win-win.

"Maya!" Ella yelled.

"Yes Ella?" The brunette giggled at the little girl's enthusiasm.

"Do you know that's it's Halloween soon?" She replied.

"Yes I did know that. Are you going to dress up and go trick or treating?" Maya asked

Ella smiled widely and nodded.

"Aw well that's exciting. What are you going to dress up as?" She asked.

"I want to be Ariel." Ella smiled.

"Well you would make a very pretty mermaid." Maya replied.

"I know, daddy tells me that I'm beautiful all the time." Ella told her.

"Your daddy is right."

"I think your beautiful too. You should come with us. It will be fun! And we get candy and everything!" Ella replied getting excited.

Maya just smiled, Ella was just super adorable.

"I would love to go but I don't have a costume." Maya replied.

"I'll make you one." Ella insisted.

Toby just chuckled, last time Ella made any kind of costume it was just a bunch of paper all glued together.

"What are you going as?" Maya asked Toby.

The man just smirked.

"I was thinking of going as Tarzan. Think I'd look pretty good in a leopard print cloth." He replied then proceeded to puff out his chest, flex his muscles and then beat his chest like a monkey would.

Maya just rolled her eyes then chuckled at the image that popped into her head.

"Tarzan has long hair daddy." Ella informed him.

"Oh...shame." Toby laughed.

"You should be a cowboy!" Ella suggested.

"A cowboy hey? Hmm...maybe...I guess that could work, I mean I am so handsome I make women cry. Ad a cowboy hat and a gun and I'll have all the ladies." Toby mused with a grin.

Maya just laughed out loud making Ella giggle too.

"It's good to know your modesty is still intact." She added.

Toby just smirked and winked.

"What should Maya go as?" He asked his daughter.

"Hmmmm...a cowgirl!" Ella smiled.

Maya just giggled.

"Sounds like a good idea." Toby smiled.

"A cowboy, a cow girl and a's a good combination." Maya chuckled.

Ella just nodded excitedly.

"Aunty is having a party and we get to play games and watch scary movies." Ella rambled on.

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