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taeyong still called him that nickname, is it because he has a weak heart. i wanna know, i really want to.

after a couple minutes when taeyong and lucas left the room, the door opened again. i saw ten and jisung coming in, as expected jisung was looking down at his PSP still playing the same game.

"oh, hey ten" i said and smiled weakly, ten waved his hand and sat beside me. jisung looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. " i am here too?" jisung sat on the sofa, and continued playing. "well i don't wanna interrupt you"

"where's lucas and taeyong?" ten asked, looking around the room. i pointed towards the door, and gave him a half smile. "they went out, and taeyong called him that nickname again. i really want to know why he is being called heartbreaker....." i paused before asking, i looked up at him and sighed. "can you tell me?"

"oh shoot, i don't wanna get in trouble" ten raised both of his hands, and giggled softly. "maybe it's best if he tells you, or somebody else, i just don't wanna get trouble again"

"trouble? you told someone about it, why can't you tell me? trust me ten" i grabbed his hands tightly, he shook his head and looked down at our hands that held each other. "don't do this to me, aish" he blushed madly, and scratched his head.

i sighed, and frowned.

"i don't really want lucas to be mad at me again, i swear he was like an insane demon when i told it to her. he just wants to complete his mission, before she finds out what is actually happening. but i exposed, so she found out and left him, his mission was failed" ten shook his head, he seem really disappointed about what he is saying.

"mission? what kind of mission is he up to?" i asked curiously hoping he would answer, he was about to answer but jisung shouted at him making him realise he was about to expose everything. ten covered his mouth, and gasped.

"ten control yourself" jisung scoffed, and rolled his eyes, and his fingers kept pressing on the buttons that attached on the PSP. ten giggled "i'm sorry i am so clumsy"

"can you at least tell me who you said it to? who is she?" i asked, ten double checked and looked at jisung to see his opinion if it was fine. "it's okay you can say it, it's not like she is going to ask for her number, and ask if she can tell the whole story"

"well, it was his last lover. the one he "loved" last year before he came here" he said.

last lover? the one he liked before?

"oh, okay thanks ten"
"where's jungwoo and chenle?" i asked.

"buying food" jisung replied, so surprised that jisung is talking to me. 

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