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when i knocked in the door, someone quickly opened it. anime eyes met mine, and of course it was taeyong. i smiled slightly, and he did the same. "hey taeyong" i greeted him, and bowed slightly. he did the same, and welcomed me in.

as like always, and expected chenle and jisung sitting on the floor, playing tekken, yelling at each other and fighting in the game but also outside. i smiled at those silly kids.

i saw jungwoo by the couch, hugging a pillow and everyone goes uwu because of him of course. i took off my shoes, and looked back at taeyong.

"where's lucas?" i asked, taeyong pointed upstairs and i nodded and thanked him. before i could go up, i have to of course greet the others. and so i did. i ran upstairs, and made my way to his room.

i twisted open the door, and peeked. i saw lucas, still laying down his bed. peacefully sleeping, with his eyes closed. i smiled. i closed the door behind me, and sat on the edge of the bed. i cupped his face, and kissed his nose slightly.

"lucas~" i said, almost whispering. it was too low for him, to let him hear my voice. so i repeated his name again, this time louder. "lucas" i said, smiling and pinched his cheek, but no movements was seen.

"lucas? wake up we have full schedules today" i said, leaning closer to him and pecked his cheek. i cupped his head with both of my hands this time, and gently shook them to make him wake up.

and again, he didn't show a single movement. not a single breath, touching my face. nothing at all, almost like he wasn't here with me inside the room. and it's where things in my head starts flying around.

but i shook my head, erasing those thoughts.

"lucas wake up, we have a lot of things to do today" i said, this time my voice was more serious and way more louder than the first one. again, he still laid still, not moving, not opening his eyes, i don't feel a small breath of him touching my face.

here's where i panic.

why isn't he waking up, why is his eyes closed? i wanna see them open, and look at me as i drown inside them. i want him to wake up, and spend the day with me and the others. i want him to wake up!

"lucas!" i said loudly, and shook his shoulders. nothing, again.

tears was ready to escape my eyes. is he really gone? did the doctor informed the wrong time to him? because he isn't waking up. i am pretty sure he would hear me with this loud voice right? what if he is gone. i can't let this, i didn't even said my final bye.

it's too late.

"lucas, wake u-up" when i stuttered, it's where tears started flowing down. i kept shaking his arms, trying to wake him up. but isn't it impossible? he is already gone....no i shouldn't think like that. i should stay positive, but how?

"lucas" i sobbed, and rested my head on his chest. tears non stopped raced down, i grabbed his cloth tightly and bit my lips. but then, i felt his hand on my back.

"hyejin, why are you crying?" i heard his deep, and raspy voice. my eyes dilated, and a slight gasp escaped my mouth.

"hyejin?" i heard him say again. my eyes dilated and my grip from his cloth slowly realising. i felt his hand on my back, his chest pumping slowly up and down, signaling me that he finally woke up.

i sat up and looked down at him, his mouth formed into a smile. i frowned, and sighed, more tears flowed down my cheek. then his smile faded away, after seeing my tears out. he cupped my face, and sat up pulling me into a gentle embrace.

DAYS: NCT LUCASWhere stories live. Discover now