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i was laying down the couch, scrolling down my feed. seems so quiet, but then someone knocked on the door. obviously it was lucas, he just left like few minutes ago.

i stood up, not looking where i was going, but still focused on my phone. when i reached the door, i twisted it open. my phone started to get blurry, and now the person's shoes are focused on my eyes now. those shoes, doesn't really look like lucas would wear. they were for girls.

i quickly looked up, and saw hyejin with a small smile. my eyes widened, i thought it was lucas. "hey hyejin, what are you doing here?" i asked, quickly closing my phone, and sliding them inside my pajama's pocket.

oh wow, i look ridiculous now. wearing an oversized tshirt, with this pink pajama. while look at her standing there, breathing beautifully.

"ah, um i am looking for lucas" she said, peeking inside. my smile faded away, of course she was. it was of course lucas, what did i expect. she is looking for me? of course not, she has more things to do, and his priority is lucas right now.

"oh, he is out buying ingredients for-" she cut me off. "cupcakes?" she asked, i nodded my head and flashed a fake smile. "exactly" i said.

i opened the door more widely, and stepped aside. "come in, he'll be back soon" i said, she smiled and went in, taking her shoes off, and glancing towards me. we both sat on the couch, filled with silence.

awkward, and i wanted to speak so bad, but the topic i want to talk about is not a really good timing. about me liking her...

"hey hyejin.." my mouth opened, she hummed as a response and our eyes met. i felt my pupils shaking, my body shaking. "uh...." i bit my lips, and played my fingers.

"taeyong what is it?" she asked, moving more closer to me, as she studied my nervous and obvious face. my cheeks heated, and i tried holding them back, but they were uncontrollable.

"nothing..." i muttered, looking down my phone, and avoided her eye contact. i almost looked curled together, and didn't wanted to be with her, but i do so much.

"taeyong?" she spoke my name, placing a hand on my lap. making me go shakey all over my body, but i successfully could hold them back. i looked up, and tried to act normal. "yeah?"

"what were you going to say?" she asked, her corner lip were lifted up, and same goes to the other.

i shook my head, waving my hands, and answered her question. "no, it was nothing...." i chuckled with a fake tone. she raised her eyebrow, and looked straight into my eyes, expecting i would say the truth.

"really hyejin, it was nothing.." i said, pulled out a fake smile. she let out a small sigh, she pulled away her hand on my lap, and this time, she placed it on my shoulder. she smiled, and laughed softly, which made my cheeks blush.

"whatever it is taeyong, spit it out" she said.

"you just look...." my throat bobbed, and tried to think of something. something she would believe. "you..um look beautiful today" i bit my lips, regretting what i just said. i could see the slight pink blush on her cheeks, she pulled away her hand, and chuckled softly.

"um, thanks" she bowed a bit, at that moment i couldn't stop smiling.

to be honest, i would refuse confessing my feelings to her. i want her to be with lucas, and if i confess and she doesn't feel the same way, she would feel bad for me because she doesn't like me back. i don't want her worrying about me, i want her to continue what she is doing with lucas. making lucas happy.

and a few seconds later, someone opened the door, singing high pitched like an idiot. both me and hyejin flinched, and turned around to check who it was.

"my lady~"
"come one my lady~" lucas sang.

his hands holding some groceries, while he struggled from both closing the door, and taking off his white shoes. i chuckled, and smiled i love that silly idiot so damn much.

and i can't believe he'll disappear soon, brother i will miss you.

DAYS: NCT LUCASWhere stories live. Discover now