Chapter 1~ Snoozy day

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16+!! Jungkook — or nah 《FMV》

Shoutout to TAEISM on YouTube x


Kim Hae-won POV

I get up from the crumpled bed sheets and ponder on my whole life itself, what the hell am i doing? the question bangs around my head so many times i just want to flush the damn question out of my head, if only there was a delete button for parts of my stupid conscience.

I pick up my sweater that is sprawled across my beaten up coach from across the room and i shrug it on without difficulty, yes i live like a complete pig if anyone even steps foot in my house they probably would think it has been burgled or a bomb has exploded in my apartment.

Iv'e been nagged at by my best friend to clean up my apartment but as soon as she cleans it it becomes messy again which is what i tell her all the time 'what the point of cleaning it when it will get messy again?', besides its harmless and i know where my stuff is without having to rummage around the place, perks of being untidy me.

I take my phone off charging and check the time its currently 2:45pm, i have taken a day off from everything, i need a break from life its killing me. I cant afford paying the rent in the area i'm living in but the pay is okay here and i'm content that my mind is busy at all times. i really overwork myself a lot, for example i go to work at a petrol station on the motorway from 9 PM till 4 AM in the morning and then from 6 AM i go to work at the local store and my shift finishes at 12 PM, from 12 PM till 5 PM i work from home and do paperwork for a company and then from 5 PM till 9 PM i sleep because at 9 PM i'm on my motorway shift and the cycle continues everyday. I maximum get 4 hours of sleep...

I barely have time for myself and my pay is okay but it could be better, the night shift gives me a lot of money that i benefit from but the bills and rent keeps on coming and i have to survive with immense struggle.

My parents abandoned me when i was younger, i used to get abused in the house, my existence was all a big mistake to them and i would get beat up for it then one day i ran away unable to bear the pain, i returned home 4 days later to witness my parents completely abandoned me, when i returned home the house was eerie silent, i walked in and it was completely empty, no trace of them left behind.

From that day forth i worked hard to earn money, i had every job you name it from cleaner to waitress, i did it all and my education fee's costs an absolute bomb so i'm taking a gap year to gather money for my education fee's saving me from the bankruption.

I sit on the floor and slurp on the straw from my can of coke and then press the PS4's ON button, my best friend Momo bought me this PS4 and i was so happy the day i got it but i really didn't need her to buy it for me, she is from a very wealthy background yet she still stuck with me, the loser in high school and i still wonder why... she would have been one of the populars if she didn't hang around  with me, she didn't want to be popular, instead she wanted to be with a loner like me. Boys wanted her, Girls wanted to be like her but she didn't give two flying shits for them.

i smile at the thought of her, Momo is the only best friend i have, she always wants to help me out financially but i don't want to use her for her money, i'm a very independent sort of person i want to do everything myself without help, she respects that but she still try's to slide money into my bank account hoping i wont notice but guess what? i did notice...

I press the controller buttons and i aim my gun at my targets shooting them with ease, i'm a huge gamer and my best friend knew it from the beginning, i would go to the computer cafe and she would tag along because she knew i loved gaming even though she isn't a fan in that particular genre of devices.

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