Chapter 23 ~ revenge cycle

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Jeon Jungkook Pov
I knock on my dads door and I hear his faint voice from the other side.

I walk in and sit on the sofa whilst he sits across from me

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" He asks sitting back with a curious expression.

"It's come to my attention about some information which I want to be sure about" I say resting my elbows on my knees with my hands clasped together with my chin resting on it.

"And what piece of information do you need confirming?" He asks

"I want to ask you a question first before we get into it"

"What's the question?"

"Why did they target my mother in the first place?" I say

Kim haewon PoV
"I am so not wearing that!" I screech

"Alright fine fine try this one on" she says shoving the piece in my hand and pushjng me towards the bathroom to change.

We've been trying lingerie for about an hour now, first she picked out all the new ones and then she picked the ones that would suit me now I'm changing and modelling for her to see which one looks best and I seriously hate this.

I'm totally out of my comfort zone, I've asked momo not to twirl me around or even look at my back because I Don't want her seeing the pain I've been through not because I'm shy or anything but because I don't want her to blame herself or feel bad for me because she does blame herself for a lot of things that are not even her fault.

I change into the lingerie and I look at my body "wow I actually think I like this one" I whisper to myself in the full length mirror I walk out of the bathroom and momo drops the lingerie in her hand and her jaw hangs open.

I change into the lingerie and I look at my body "wow I actually think I like this one" I whisper to myself in the full length mirror I walk out of the bathroom and momo drops the lingerie in her hand and her jaw hangs open

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(A/N Just so you have a visual 😏)
I smirk " close your mouth you will catch flies"

She closes her mouth and gasps at me, " this is the one, it's perfect, jungkooks gonna be all over you" she says with a giggle and a wiggle of her eyebrow

I smile at her and I actually can't wait for him to come home now.

I get dressed back into my sweats and sit with momo for a while to discuss something.

Jeon Jungkook PoV
" okay I'll repeat that again, why did they target my mother?"

" that's what you need to find out" he says with a poker face

" don't bullshit me I already know but I wanna hear your side of the story" I say as calmly as I can muster.

He sighs heavily " I killed his wife"

"Who's wife?"

" mafia of the red gang" he says

"I know but why" I ask

" they were plotting to kill you my first born, I wasn't going to let them kill you on various occasions they attempted to kinapped you or even kill you, it came to a point where your mother would be in tears and blame me for risking your life but then one day I heard them plot it and it was enough for me to go kill him, killing his wife was an accident when I went in his room I thought he was walking out of the en-suite and without thinking twice I pulled the trigger and she died before I even tried to save her but then I thought about it was better if I killed his wife rather than him because if his wife dies he can suffer her death for the rest of his life so I went back home and rested. months went by and there was nothing, no attacks, no fights just the regualar, I was at work as I was every day nothing was different but you and your mum were home and that's the one thing I regret the most till this day, I should have been beside her and protected her instead of working away" he looks at me with glazed eyes

"That day your mother died and I have so many regrets, so many unfulfilled wishes of hers yet I can't make them all I can do is break them" he says

I nod my head along to his words and then I say "I've heard the same thing and I believe it and I don't need to ask you anymore but there's one thing I want to discuss with you"

"What is it?" He asks

"I don't want revenge" I say

"What?! What do you mean you don't want revenge?" He asks astonished

"It's logically simple-" I begin but he cuts me off
"No! You don't get it, they killed your mother I raised you as a killing machine and now you wanna play the angel and stop? What's happened to you?" He says in disbelief

" ok hang on let me get this straight, if you knew all this time then why haven't you killed or done something about it instead of raising me as a killing machine" I spat at him

"Jeon Jungkook I bet you watch that attitude before you get punished"

" no I'm sick of your games of hide and seek, i want to know why you wat me to avenge my mother's death instead of yourself"

"It's for your own good" He says

"My own good?, I'm not a kid anymore and quite frankly i know how the world works-" he cuts me off

"YES, and it's a filthy place I'm helping you Jungkook, if you kill him then your rank will go even more higher than it already is, you are taking over my position as head mafia, by killing them you will be shoving it in everyone's face to fear you or else" he says

"Yes but dad it a cycle someone will come and kill and take away someone precious from me and I DONT FUCKING WANT THAT, don't you understand it's a cycle and I wanna end it, revenge is just all that guilt pent up inside of you that you want to release but you can't go killing for revenge because the cycle will never end. Oemma is gone, she's not coming back and she wouldn't want me to go kill them she would want me and you to move on, so what I'm saying is I'm done with revenge and I just want to move on with my life because my oemma will always be with me" I say my eyes ready at the mention of my oemma.

I get up and go towards the door before I pull the hand he says 5 words that chill my spine " it's that girl isn't it"

"She's the one that's made you go soft isn't it"

Hey y'all ,
2/2 in the double update
Hope y'all enjoyed
Thanks for reading
I love yoooouuuuuuuu sooooooooooo much 💕
Until next time
Peaceout peace

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