Chapter 29 ~ on the line

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Kim haewon POV

After having an appointment with the hospital the next day, the doctor took my urine sample and indeed it was true, I am pregnant. They gave me some things to focus on and I have set dates for the next appointments through out the pregnancy and I was thrilled but it wasn't really that good because jungkook wasnt here beside me to witness this.

I was now sat at home after a week of rushing round to the hospitals and I've been taking it easy and I've been kept stress free as Jin didn't want me to worry about anything.

Jin has been taking good care of me and I really appreciate it but I don't want him to get into trouble or jungkooks dad getting suspicious of him. 

I decide to go to bed as it is getting a little late, I stand up and then the doorbell rings making me stop in my tracks, no one rings the doorbell. Jin has the code for the apartment so no one else visits either.

My heart beats rapidly against my chest as I wonder if it ok to open the door, I walk slowly towards it and the doorbell rings again, I look through the peep hole on the door and I can recognise that face from anywhere.

I quickly unlock the door and open it to reveal jungkook, he wears black jeans ripped at the knees and a little at the thighs too with a black top and a leather jacket thrown on top.

His black beanie covers most his hair except his fringe and he pulls down his black mask to reveal the rest of his face. 

Tears spring in my eyes as we lock eyes, he quickly hugs me and I push the door closing it shut behind him.

We stand for a little while holding each other and just staying there being in the comfort of one another, tears flow down my face and I cant believe he's here. I squeeze him tight and bury my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

I realise how much I've actually missed him, he's one of the reasons I'm living today and without him in my life its incomplete. We slowly let go but were still close as I wrap my arms around his neck and his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips, then I close the gap between us.

We both take it slow as there is no rush and I want to take everything in, he's finally here, with me and for the first time since I'm here I don't feel alone anymore.

Once we run out of oxygen we pull away but we stay hugging in the door way, my head against his chest as I'm in his arms, I feel protected and safe. Like no harm can come to me now that I'm with him.

I take his hand and intertwine our fingers "come on, lets sit down" i say

Seen as though everything in an open plan we move over to the lounge and we sit on one of the sofas.

He sits beside me and I rest my head against his chest and he wraps an arm around me.

"Jin told me you were sick" he says "are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm good, erm jungkook...?" I say nervously


"We need to talk" I say looking down at our clasped hands

"Is everything ok?" He asks softly and I look up into those doe-like eyes and he melts me.

A tear rolls down my face, I don't even realise I'm crying, stupid damn imbalanced hormones....

"Hey, hey don't cry baby" he says wiping away the tear that rolls down

"Don't worry my father wont touch you" jungkook says softly

"It's not about that yet jungkook" I say placing a hand on the side of his face

"What's it about?" He asks placing his hand over my hand on his face

"If I tell you I don't know how you will react" I say nervously "I don't want to lose you jungkook"

"Haewon, you will never lose me, I don't care who comes in the way be it your father or an enemy, I don't give a damn, I will always be there for you and protect you so you will never lose me" he says sincerely 

I nod my head and I think its time I told him, "wait here ill be back" I say to jungkook as I get up and go to the bedroom.

I get the small box out of my drawer and take out the pregnancy test, I hide it behind m back and walk back to the lounge.

"I want you to close your eyes" I say and he chuckles

"And put your hands out" I say

He obediently closes his eyes and sticks both hands out in a cupping form.

I walk over to him and sit where I sat before and place the pregnancy test in the palm of his hands

"You can open your eyes now" I say to jungkook softly.



Hey yall beautiful people

Done another update 

I hope yall enjoying the ff so far

Thank you so much for reading

I love yall 💜💕

Until next time

Peace out ✌️ 

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