Chapter 20

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Jungkook POV

I look at her cute peaceful sleeping face and I just wonder how much I want to look after and protect her from everything and anything, i plant a kiss on her forehead and get up from the bed.

I fish my phone out of my pocket and call momo

"Hello?" She says through the phone

"Hey would you be able to stay with Haewon in my room, she's sleeping right now but I'm just worried she will need someone when she wakes up" I say

"Sure ill come now, but where are you going?" She asks

"I'll be back I've got a prisoner to deal with" I say

"Ok I'm on my way" she says and hangs up

I take one last look at her peaceful sleeping face and exit the room.
Making my way to the basement I meet jimin in the planning room and he shoots me a grin "yoongi Hyung and hobi hyung got a hold of the pest this morning"

"How long has he been locked up?" I ask

"3, 4 hours" he says

I nod my head and ask "is he awake?"

"I dunno" he says

I make my way over to the cell that is holding him and I sit across from him in a chair.

His head is hanging as he sleeps, no time to sleep it's answer or get cut time.
I reach for the bucket of water ready for my to use and I pour it if his head making him cough and splutter for air.

His eyes are wide and alarmed and he takes in his surroundings and his eyes land on me and he holds a scowl and he shifts himself on the chair angrily.

I take a knife out of the trolley beside me and hold it up and twirl it in between my fingers and cock my head to the side.

"If you don't shut that filthy mouth of yours we're gonna have to do this the hard way" I say

The mask is not on my face to protect my identity because in the end he's going to die once I've used him anyway.

"Who the fuck are you?" He growls

I laugh sadistically and then in a blink of an eye I move towards him and pull his hair and his head is tilted and I press the cold metal knife against his skin.

" I don't think my introduction is necessary at the moment" I hiss at him

"We're gonna do this my way, you answer a question failure to do so will cost you a limb be it a finger or a hand or an arm but I will start chopping if you don't answer and if you answer you keep your limbs"

I get off of him and slump back onto my chair
"What do you want from me?" He says his eyes watering

"Information and a ticket to revenge" I say gravely

"What information?" He asks

"What happened on the day of 1 August 2004?" I say and his face drops

" I don't know what the hell your talking about?" He says his eyes flickering between me and the floor

"Yes you fucking do don't deny it you little shit" I yell and grab his finger and press the blade of the knife against it.

"Tell me what your gang did on that day before I chop your finger off" I seethe

"Never" He says and then I press the blade and chop right through the bone, his finger falls on the floor and blood squirts out of his finger
He screams out in pain and I grab the next finger "tell me now or else finger no.2 is going"

Tears fall down and he says "please stop I'll tell you just don't chop" he says weakly

" what happened that day?"

"Isn't that the day MR Jeons wife was murdered" he says wracking his brain

"Correct now tell me this"

"Who killed her?" I say

"I can't say" he says so I pull the second finger and begin to chop it off and it falls with a little thud and blood begins to pool around.

He's going out of consciousness so I slap him hard across the face

"Tell me now before I harm you even more" I say

"Your father hated all our guts and we had to kill her"

" why" I grit pressing the blade

"Because mr iron killed our bosses wife"

I am shocked why did he kill their wife.
"Why did he do that?"

"His wife tried to mr jeons son but she failed and when his dad knew he killed her and then he killed Mr jeons wife.." he says

It all makes sense one after the other revenge after revenge and where has this lead too, nowhere only killings and mass murdering and it has broken homes or families even...

I sit back and nod at jimin to clean the place up as I leave.

I go to the spare shower because I don't want haewon to see me with blood stains so I quickly shower and get dressed into new clothes.

I need to speak to my father about all of this, why didn't he mention this before and why did they want to kill me?

Questions swirl around in my head and I need a break...


Hey guys
Here's ur update as promised, I struggled but I decided to finish it now instead of tomorrow or the day after...

I'm living off 0 hrs of sleep rn

Thank you y'all for reading
Hope y'all enjoyed
Until next time
Peace out ✌️

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